Variations in the orientation of the Earth

TM Eubanks - Contributions of space geodesy to geodynamics …, 1993 - Wiley Online Library
Fig. 4.• hematic Power S• cua of Variations in• e• ng• of t• Day. observed solid Earth
nutations, and to determine the non-hydrostatic part of the Core-Mantle Boundary (CMB) …

Fluid flow near the surface of Earth's outer core

J Bloxham, A Jackson - Reviews of Geophysics, 1991 - Wiley Online Library
Maps of the fluid flow at the core surface are important for a number of reasons: foremost
they may provide some insight into the workings of the geodynamo and may place useful …

Heterogeneous mantle domains: signatures, genesis and mixing chronologies

SR Hart - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 1988 - Elsevier
A Srsingle bondNdsingle bondPb isotope data base is available now which includes over
300 samples from some 43 oceanic islands or island groups. This data base supports the …

[KNJIGA][B] The magnetic field of the earth: paleomagnetism, the core, and the deep mantle

RT Merrill, MW McElhinny, PL McFadden - 1998 -
Topics involved in studies of the Earth's magnetic field and its secular variation range from
the intricate observations of geomagnetism, to worldwide studies of archeomagnetism and …

Mantle layering from ScS reverberations: 3. The upper mantle

J Revenaugh, TH Jordan - Journal of Geophysical Research …, 1991 - Wiley Online Library
This is the third paper in a four‐part sequence that examines the nature of mantle layering
using the multiple‐ScS phases and internal reflections observed within the reverberative …

Earth's core-mantle boundary: results of experiments at high pressures and temperatures

E Knittle, R Jeanloz - Science, 1991 -
Laboratory experiments document that liquid iron reacts chemically with silicates at high
pressures (≥ 2.4× 1010 Pascals) and temperatures. In particular,(Mg, Fe) SiO3 perovskite …

Reversals of the Earth's magnetic field and temporal variations of the dynamo families

PL McFadden, RT Merrill… - Journal of Geophysical …, 1991 - Wiley Online Library
A recent model for polarity reversals suggested that reversals involve critical interactions
between the primary (dipole) and secondary (quadrupole) dynamo families. This model …

Global images of the Earth's interior

AM Dziewonski, JH Woodhouse - Science, 1987 -
The three-dimensional maps of the earth's interior now span regions from the bottom of the
crust to the inner core of the earth. Although a wealth of new information on the dynamics of …

Topography of the core–mantle boundary and lateral homogeneity of the liquid core

A Morelli, AM Dziewonski - Nature, 1987 -
Separate inversions of travel-time residuals of waves reflected from and transmitted through
the core-mantle boundary yield similar results in terms of spherical harmonic expansion of …

Geomagnetic secular variation

J Bloxham, D Gubbins… - … Transactions of the …, 1989 -
We analyse over 175000 magnetic observations from an interval spanning 1695-1980 to
produce a sequence of maps of the magnetic field at the core-mantle boundary; we find that …