Hallmarks of sex bias in immuno-oncology: mechanisms and therapeutic implications
T **ao, J Lee, TD Gauntner, M Velegraki… - Nature Reviews …, 2024 - nature.com
Sex differences are present across multiple non-reproductive organ cancers, with male
individuals generally experiencing higher incidence of cancer with poorer outcomes …
individuals generally experiencing higher incidence of cancer with poorer outcomes …
X inactivation and escape: epigenetic and structural features
X inactivation represents a complex multi-layer epigenetic mechanism that profoundly
modifies chromatin composition and structure of one X chromosome in females. The …
modifies chromatin composition and structure of one X chromosome in females. The …
X-linked ubiquitin-specific peptidase 11 increases tauopathy vulnerability in women
Although women experience significantly higher tau burden and increased risk for
Alzheimer's disease (AD) than men, the underlying mechanism for this vulnerability has not …
Alzheimer's disease (AD) than men, the underlying mechanism for this vulnerability has not …
TLR7 escapes X chromosome inactivation in immune cells
M Souyris, C Cenac, P Azar, D Daviaud, A Canivet… - Science …, 2018 - science.org
Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) is critical to the induction of antiviral immunity, but TLR7 dosage
is also a key pathogenic factor in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), an autoimmune …
is also a key pathogenic factor in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), an autoimmune …
Landscape of X chromosome inactivation across human tissues
X chromosome inactivation (XCI) silences transcription from one of the two X chromosomes
in female mammalian cells to balance expression dosage between XX females and XY …
in female mammalian cells to balance expression dosage between XX females and XY …
Increased burden of ultra-rare protein-altering variants among 4,877 individuals with schizophrenia
By analyzing the exomes of 12,332 unrelated Swedish individuals, including 4,877
individuals affected with schizophrenia, in ways informed by exome sequences from 45,376 …
individuals affected with schizophrenia, in ways informed by exome sequences from 45,376 …
Tumor-suppressor genes that escape from X-inactivation contribute to cancer sex bias
There is a striking and unexplained male predominance across many cancer types. A subset
of X-chromosome genes can escape X-inactivation, which would protect females from …
of X-chromosome genes can escape X-inactivation, which would protect females from …
[HTML][HTML] The human Y and inactive X chromosomes similarly modulate autosomal gene expression
Somatic cells of human males and females have 45 chromosomes in common, including
the" active" X chromosome. In males the 46 th chromosome is a Y; in females it is an" …
the" active" X chromosome. In males the 46 th chromosome is a Y; in females it is an" …
Escape from X inactivation varies in mouse tissues
X chromosome inactivation (XCI) silences most genes on one X chromosome in female
mammals, but some genes escape XCI. To identify escape genes in vivo and to explore …
mammals, but some genes escape XCI. To identify escape genes in vivo and to explore …
Landscape of DNA methylation on the X chromosome reflects CpG density, functional chromatin state and X-chromosome inactivation
X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) achieves dosage compensation between males and
females through the silencing of the majority of genes on one of the female X chromosomes …
females through the silencing of the majority of genes on one of the female X chromosomes …