Recent advances in Bayesian optimization
Bayesian optimization has emerged at the forefront of expensive black-box optimization due
to its data efficiency. Recent years have witnessed a proliferation of studies on the …
to its data efficiency. Recent years have witnessed a proliferation of studies on the …
A tutorial on derivative-free policy learning methods for interpretable controller representations
This paper provides a tutorial overview of recent advances in learning control policy
representations for complex systems. We focus on control policies that are determined by …
representations for complex systems. We focus on control policies that are determined by …
Want to reduce labeling cost? GPT-3 can help
Data annotation is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process for many NLP tasks.
Although there exist various methods to produce pseudo data labels, they are often task …
Although there exist various methods to produce pseudo data labels, they are often task …
Optimal experimental design: Formulations and computations
Questions of 'how best to acquire data'are essential to modelling and prediction in the
natural and social sciences, engineering applications, and beyond. Optimal experimental …
natural and social sciences, engineering applications, and beyond. Optimal experimental …
Tuning hyperparameters without grad students: Scalable and robust bayesian optimisation with dragonfly
Bayesian Optimisation (BO) refers to a suite of techniques for global optimisation of
expensive black box functions, which use introspective Bayesian models of the function to …
expensive black box functions, which use introspective Bayesian models of the function to …
HPOBench: A collection of reproducible multi-fidelity benchmark problems for HPO
To achieve peak predictive performance, hyperparameter optimization (HPO) is a crucial
component of machine learning and its applications. Over the last years, the number of …
component of machine learning and its applications. Over the last years, the number of …
Bayesian optimization of nanoporous materials
Nanoporous materials (NPMs) could be used to store, capture, and sense many different
gases. Given an adsorption task, we often wish to search a library of NPMs for the one with …
gases. Given an adsorption task, we often wish to search a library of NPMs for the one with …
High-throughput experimentation meets artificial intelligence: a new pathway to catalyst discovery
High throughput experimentation in heterogeneous catalysis provides an efficient solution to
the generation of large datasets under reproducible conditions. Knowledge extraction from …
the generation of large datasets under reproducible conditions. Knowledge extraction from …
A multi-fidelity machine learning approach to high throughput materials screening
The ever-increasing capability of computational methods has resulted in their general
acceptance as a key part of the materials design process. Traditionally this has been …
acceptance as a key part of the materials design process. Traditionally this has been …
Physics-informed machine learning for modeling and control of dynamical systems
Physics-informed machine learning (PIML) is a set of methods and tools that systematically
integrate machine learning (ML) algorithms with physical constraints and abstract …
integrate machine learning (ML) algorithms with physical constraints and abstract …