Survey and taxonomy of lossless graph compression and space-efficient graph representations

M Besta, T Hoefler - arxiv preprint arxiv:1806.01799, 2018 -
Various graphs such as web or social networks may contain up to trillions of edges.
Compressing such datasets can accelerate graph processing by reducing the amount of I/O …

The Bari Manifesto: An interoperability framework for essential biodiversity variables

AR Hardisty, WK Michener, D Agosti, EA García… - Ecological …, 2019 - Elsevier
Abstract Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBV) are fundamental variables that can be used
for assessing biodiversity change over time, for determining adherence to biodiversity policy …

Semantic querying of integrated raster and relational data: a virtual knowledge graph approach

A Ghosh, M Šimkus, D Calvanese - 17th International Rule …, 2023 -
Ontology-based data access (OBDA) facilitates access to heterogeneous data sources
through the mediation of an ontology (eg OWL), which captures the domain of interest and is …

Efficient processing of raster and vector data

F Silva-Coira, JR Paramá, S Ladra, JR López… - Plos one, 2020 -
In this work, we propose a framework to store and manage spatial data, which includes new
efficient algorithms to perform operations accepting as input a raster dataset and a vector …

Array DBMS: Past, present, and (near) future

RAR Zalipynis - Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2021 -
Array DBMSs strive to be the best systems for managing, processing, and even visualizing
big Nd arrays. The last decade blossomed with R&D in array DBMS, making it a young and …

Extending general compact querieable representations to GIS applications

NR Brisaboa, A Cerdeira-Pena, G de Bernardo… - Information …, 2020 - Elsevier
The raster model is commonly used for the representation of images in many domains, and
is especially useful in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to store information about …

Two-dimensional block trees

NR Brisaboa, T Gagie, A Gómez-Brandón… - The Computer …, 2024 -
Abstract The Block Tree is a data structure for representing repetitive sequences in
compressed space, which reaches space comparable with that of Lempel–Ziv compression …

[HTML][HTML] The effects of land use and land cover geoinformation raster generalization in the analysis of LUCC in Portugal

BM Meneses, E Reis, R Reis, MJ Vale - ISPRS International Journal of …, 2018 -
Multiple land use and land cover (LUC) datasets are available for the analysis of LUC
changes (LUCC) in distinct territories. Sometimes, different LUCC results are produced to …

cKd-tree: A Compact Kd-tree

G Gutiérrez, R Torres-Avilés, M Caniupán - IEEE Access, 2024 -
In the context of Big Data scenarios, the presence of extensive static datasets is not
uncommon. To facilitate efficient queries on such datasets, the utilization of multiple indexes …

[HTML][HTML] Using Predictive and Differential Methods with K2-Raster Compact Data Structure for Hyperspectral Image Lossless Compression

K Chow, DEO Tzamarias, I Blanes, J Serra-Sagristà - Remote Sensing, 2019 -
This paper proposes a lossless coder for real-time processing and compression of
hyperspectral images. After applying either a predictor or a differential encoder to reduce the …