The hitchhiker's guide to flow chemistry∥

MB Plutschack, B Pieber, K Gilmore… - Chemical …, 2017 - ACS Publications
Flow chemistry involves the use of channels or tubing to conduct a reaction in a continuous
stream rather than in a flask. Flow equipment provides chemists with unique control over …

Continuous manufacturing in pharmaceutical process development and manufacturing

CL Burcham, AJ Florence… - Annual review of …, 2018 -
The pharmaceutical industry has found new applications for the use of continuous
processing for the manufacture of new therapies currently in development. The …

Flow chemistry—microreaction technology comes of age

KF Jensen - AIChE Journal, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Over the past two decades, microreaction technology has matured from early devices and
concepts to encompass a wide range of commercial equipment and applications. This …

Liquid–liquid microflow reaction engineering

K Wang, L Li, P **e, G Luo - Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2017 -
Microflow reaction is important for the miniaturization of chemical devices and systems. From
an engineering perspective, excellent characteristics, including narrow residence time …

Mixing performance and continuous production of nanomaterials in an advanced-flow reactor

M Yang, L Yang, J Zheng, N Hondow… - Chemical Engineering …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract The Corning Advanced-Flow TM Reactor (AFR) whose productivity is ready for
scale-up with limited loss of transport properties was implemented in the continuous …

Continuous flow technology-a tool for safer oxidation chemistry

L Wan, M Jiang, D Cheng, M Liu, F Chen - Reaction Chemistry & …, 2022 -
The oxidation reaction is one of the most important transformations in synthetic chemistry,
allowing for the introduction and modification of various functional groups. Continuous flow …

Oscillating feedback micromixer: a short review

W Wang, J Zhang, C Xu - Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process …, 2024 - Elsevier
During the past decades, passive micromixers have attracted extensive attention from
researchers due to their operation without an external power supply, mechanical moving …

Design of multistage counter-current liquid–liquid extraction for small-scale applications

N Weeranoppanant, A Adamo… - Industrial & …, 2017 - ACS Publications
Multistage counter-current liquid–liquid extraction (MCCE) is a common unit operation in the
chemical industry, but the technique is often difficult to use at laboratory and small …

Reinvestigating FeBr3-Catalyzed Alcohol Oxidation with H2O2: Is a High-Valent Iron Species (HIS) or a Reactive Brominating Species (RBS) Responsible for …

C He, F Ma, W Zhang, R Tong - Organic Letters, 2022 - ACS Publications
In 2003, Martı́n et al. reported a green alcohol oxidation with FeBr3 (cat.)/H2O2 and
proposed a high-valent iron species (HIS) responsible for the alcohol oxidation …

Bioprocess intensification for the effective production of chemical products

JM Woodley - Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2017 - Elsevier
The further implementation of new bioprocesses, using biocatalysts in various formats, for
the synthesis of chemicals is highly dependent upon effective process intensification. The …