Implementation of a restarted Krylov subspace method for the evaluation of matrix functions
A new implementation of restarted Krylov subspace methods for evaluating f (A) b for a
function f, a matrix A and a vector b is proposed. In contrast to an implementation proposed …
function f, a matrix A and a vector b is proposed. In contrast to an implementation proposed …
Core problems in linear algebraic systems
For any linear system A x\approx b we define a set of core problems and show that the
orthogonal upper bidiagonalization of [b, A] gives such a core problem. In particular we …
orthogonal upper bidiagonalization of [b, A] gives such a core problem. In particular we …
The regularizing effect of the Golub-Kahan iterative bidiagonalization and revealing the noise level in the data
Regularization techniques based on the Golub-Kahan iterative bidiagonalization belong
among popular approaches for solving large ill-posed problems. First, the original problem …
among popular approaches for solving large ill-posed problems. First, the original problem …
Exploiting variable precision in GMRES
We describe how variable precision floating point arithmetic can be used in the iterative
solver GMRES. We show how the precision of the inner products carried out in the algorithm …
solver GMRES. We show how the precision of the inner products carried out in the algorithm …
[HTML][HTML] Data-driven model reduction by two-sided moment matching
In this brief paper, we propose a time-domain data-driven method for model order reduction
by two-sided moment matching for linear systems. An algorithm that asymptotically …
by two-sided moment matching for linear systems. An algorithm that asymptotically …
Determination of regularization parameter via solving a multi-objective optimization problem
This paper presents a multi-objective optimization approach for choosing an appropriate
regularization parameter in Tikhonov-type regularization of discrete ill-posed problems …
regularization parameter in Tikhonov-type regularization of discrete ill-posed problems …
The Total Least Squares Problem in : A New Classification with the Relationship to the Classical Works
This paper revisits the analysis of the total least squares (TLS) problem AX≈ B with multiple
right-hand sides given by Van Huffel and Vandewalle in the monograph, The Total Least …
right-hand sides given by Van Huffel and Vandewalle in the monograph, The Total Least …
Residual and backward error bounds in minimum residual Krylov subspace methods
Minimum residual norm iterative methods for solving linear systems Ax= b can be viewed as,
and are often implemented as, sequences of least squares problems involving Krylov …
and are often implemented as, sequences of least squares problems involving Krylov …
Some results on condition numbers of the scaled total least squares problem
B Li, Z Jia - Linear algebra and its applications, 2011 - Elsevier
Under the Golub–Van Loan condition for the existence and uniqueness of the scaled total
least squares (STLS) solution, a first order perturbation estimate for the STLS solution and …
least squares (STLS) solution, a first order perturbation estimate for the STLS solution and …
Perturbation analysis and condition numbers of scaled total least squares problems
The standard approaches to solving an overdetermined linear system Ax≈ b find minimal
corrections to the vector b and/or the matrix A such that the corrected system is consistent …
corrections to the vector b and/or the matrix A such that the corrected system is consistent …