The light-sheet microscopy revolution

JM Girkin, MT Carvalho - Journal of Optics, 2018 -
This paper reviews the rapid advances that have been made in one form of optical biological
imaging in the last decade, namely that of light sheet microscopy. Although the concept was …

Multiscale imaging of plant development by light-sheet fluorescence microscopy

M Ovečka, D von Wangenheim, P Tomančák… - Nature plants, 2018 -
Light-sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) methods collectively represent the major
breakthrough in developmental bio-imaging of living multicellular organisms. They are …

BigStitcher: reconstructing high-resolution image datasets of cleared and expanded samples

D Hörl, F Rojas Rusak, F Preusser, P Tillberg… - Nature …, 2019 -
Light-sheet imaging of cleared and expanded samples creates terabyte-sized datasets that
consist of many unaligned three-dimensional image tiles, which must be reconstructed …

A genome-wide resource for the analysis of protein localisation in Drosophila

M Sarov, C Barz, H Jambor, MY Hein, C Schmied… - elife, 2016 -
The Drosophila genome contains> 13000 protein-coding genes, the majority of which
remain poorly investigated. Important reasons include the lack of antibodies or reporter …

Circ_Lrp6, a circular RNA enriched in vascular smooth muscle cells, acts as a sponge regulating miRNA-145 function

IF Hall, M Climent, M Quintavalle, FM Farina… - Circulation …, 2019 -
Rationale: microRNAs (miRNAs) modulate gene expression by repressing translation of
targeted genes. Previous work has established a role for miRNAs in regulating vascular …

Multi-view light-sheet imaging and tracking with the MaMuT software reveals the cell lineage of a direct develo** arthropod limb

C Wolff, JY Tinevez, T Pietzsch, E Stamataki, B Harich… - Elife, 2018 -
During development, coordinated cell behaviors orchestrate tissue and organ
morphogenesis. Detailed descriptions of cell lineages and behaviors provide a powerful …

Attachment of the blastoderm to the vitelline envelope affects gastrulation of insects

S Münster, A Jain, A Mietke, A Pavlopoulos, SW Grill… - Nature, 2019 -
During gastrulation, physical forces reshape the simple embryonic tissue to form the
complex body plans of multicellular organisms. These forces often cause large-scale …

Imaging flies by fluorescence microscopy: principles, technologies, and applications

S Dunst, P Tomancak - Genetics, 2019 -
The development of fluorescent labels and powerful imaging technologies in the last two
decades has revolutionized the field of fluorescence microscopy, which is now widely used …

Regionalized tissue fluidization is required for epithelial gap closure during insect gastrulation

A Jain, V Ulman, A Mukherjee, M Prakash… - Nature …, 2020 -
Many animal embryos pull and close an epithelial sheet around the ellipsoidal egg surface
during a gastrulation process known as epiboly. The ovoidal geometry dictates that the …

Imaging plant germline differentiation within Arabidopsis flowers by light sheet microscopy

S Valuchova, P Mikulkova, J Pecinkova, J Klimova… - elife, 2020 -
In higher plants, germline differentiation occurs during a relatively short period within
develo** flowers. Understanding of the mechanisms that govern germline differentiation …