Experimental petrology applied to natural diamond growth
Perhaps the first point to address in this chapter is what role, or roles, experimental petrology
can play in understanding the formation of natural diamond. As can be seen from the other …
can play in understanding the formation of natural diamond. As can be seen from the other …
Carbon-saturated COH fluids in the upper mantle: a review of high-pressure and high-temperature ex situ experiments
High-pressure COH fluids have a fundamental role in a variety of geological processes.
Their composition in terms of volatile species can control the solidus temperature and …
Their composition in terms of volatile species can control the solidus temperature and …
Subducted organic matter buffered by marine carbonate rules the carbon isotopic signature of arc emissions
Ocean sediments consist mainly of calcium carbonate and organic matter (phytoplankton
debris). Once subducted, some carbon is removed from the slab and returns to the …
debris). Once subducted, some carbon is removed from the slab and returns to the …
Silicate dissolution boosts the CO2 concentrations in subduction fluids
Estimates of dissolved CO2 in subduction-zone fluids are based on thermodynamic models,
relying on a very sparse experimental data base. Here, we present experimental data at 1–3 …
relying on a very sparse experimental data base. Here, we present experimental data at 1–3 …
An experimental investigation of C–O–H fluid-driven carbonation of serpentinites under forearc conditions
The carbonation of serpentinites in the forearc region of the mantle wedge in subduction
zones and of serpentinites within the subducting slab by fluids derived from prograde …
zones and of serpentinites within the subducting slab by fluids derived from prograde …
Experimental phase relations in altered oceanic crust: implications for carbon recycling at subduction zones
The phase relationships in altered mafic oceanic crust (K2O, CO2 and H2O bearing) have
been investigated to constrain and quantify the processes of carbon transfer from the slab to …
been investigated to constrain and quantify the processes of carbon transfer from the slab to …
Experimental determination of magnesia and silica solubilities in graphite-saturated and redox-buffered high-pressure COH fluids in equilibrium with forsterite+ …
We experimentally investigated the dissolution of forsterite, enstatite and magnesite in
graphite-saturated COH fluids, synthesized using a rocking piston cylinder apparatus at …
graphite-saturated COH fluids, synthesized using a rocking piston cylinder apparatus at …
Dissolution susceptibility of glass-like carbon versus crystalline graphite in high-pressure aqueous fluids and implications for the behavior of organic matter in …
Organic matter, showing variable degrees of crystallinity and thus of graphitization, is an
important source of carbon in subducted sediments, as demonstrated by the isotopic …
important source of carbon in subducted sediments, as demonstrated by the isotopic …
Redox processes and the role of carbon-bearing volatiles from the slab–mantle interface to the mantle wedge
The valence of carbon is governed by the oxidation state of the host system. The subducted
oceanic lithosphere contains considerable amounts of iron so that Fe3+/Fe2+ equilibria in …
oceanic lithosphere contains considerable amounts of iron so that Fe3+/Fe2+ equilibria in …
Experimental dissolution of carbonaceous materials in water at 1 GPa and 550° C: Assessing the role of carbon forms and redox state on COH fluid production and …
Biogenic carbonaceous material (CM) is the main carrier of organic carbon in the subduction
zone and contributes to COH fluid production and volcanic arc gaseous emissions. Here we …
zone and contributes to COH fluid production and volcanic arc gaseous emissions. Here we …