Ridesourcing systems: A framework and review
With the rapid development and popularization of mobile and wireless communication
technologies, ridesourcing companies have been able to leverage internet-based platforms …
technologies, ridesourcing companies have been able to leverage internet-based platforms …
Recent dynamic vehicle routing problems: A survey
Technological advances in the last two decades have aroused great interest in the class of
dynamic vehicle routing problems (DVRPs), which is reflected in the significant growth of the …
dynamic vehicle routing problems (DVRPs), which is reflected in the significant growth of the …
A survey of models and algorithms for optimizing shared mobility
The rise of research into shared mobility systems reflects emerging challenges, such as
rising traffic congestion, rising oil prices and rising environmental concern. The operations …
rising traffic congestion, rising oil prices and rising environmental concern. The operations …
Planning of truck platoons: A literature review and directions for future research
A truck platoon is a set of virtually linked trucks that drive closely behind one another using
automated driving technology. Benefits of truck platooning include cost savings, reduced …
automated driving technology. Benefits of truck platooning include cost savings, reduced …
Enhancing urban mobility: Integrating ride-sharing and public transit
Seamless integration of ride-sharing and public transit may offer fast, reliable, and affordable
transfer to and from transit stations in suburban areas thereby enhancing mobility of …
transfer to and from transit stations in suburban areas thereby enhancing mobility of …
Sustainable decisions in a ridesharing system with a tri-objective optimization approach
Over the past years, the concept of ridesharing started receiving more attention to improve
the sustainability of transportation systems. Although this concept has a lot of potential due …
the sustainability of transportation systems. Although this concept has a lot of potential due …
Pricing and equilibrium in on-demand ride-pooling markets
With the recent rapid growth of technology-enabled mobility services, ride-sourcing
platforms, such as Uber and DiDi, have launched commercial on-demand ride-pooling …
platforms, such as Uber and DiDi, have launched commercial on-demand ride-pooling …
The benefits of meeting points in ride-sharing systems
We investigate the potential benefits of introducing meeting points in a ride-sharing system.
With meeting points, riders can be picked up and dropped off either at their origin and …
With meeting points, riders can be picked up and dropped off either at their origin and …
Optimizing matching time interval and matching radius in on-demand ride-sourcing markets
With the availability of the location information of drivers and passengers, ride-sourcing
platforms can now provide increasingly efficient online matching compared with physical …
platforms can now provide increasingly efficient online matching compared with physical …
Frontiers in service science: Ride matching for peer-to-peer ride sharing: A review and future directions
As a consequence of the sharing economy attaining more popularity, there has been a shift
toward shared-use mobility services in recent years, especially those that encourage users …
toward shared-use mobility services in recent years, especially those that encourage users …