Advances on self-regulation models: A new research agenda through the SR vs ER behavior theory in different psychology contexts
J De la Fuente, JM Martínez-Vicente… - Frontiers in …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate how Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory (1986)
influenced the development of several complementary models of the construct of Self …
influenced the development of several complementary models of the construct of Self …
Organismic integration theory: A theory of regulatory styles, internalization, integration, and human functioning in society
LG Pelletier, M Rocchi - The Oxford handbook of self …, 2023 - books.google.com
This chapter reviews the five propositions that constitute organismic integration theory (OIT).
The five propositions address (1) the process of internalization;(2) the distinctions between …
The five propositions address (1) the process of internalization;(2) the distinctions between …
Toward a social psychology of authenticity: Exploring within-person variation in autonomy, congruence, and genuineness using self-determination theory
Authenticity entails autonomy, congruence, and genuineness. In this article, we use a self-
determination theory framework to discuss a critical aspect of social environments that …
determination theory framework to discuss a critical aspect of social environments that …
Autonomy and autonomy disturbances in self-development and psychopathology: Research on motivation, attachment, and clinical process
Autonomy, defined as self-regulation and integration in acting, is central to healthy
psychological development and functioning. Classic organismic and dynamic theories have …
psychological development and functioning. Classic organismic and dynamic theories have …
The role of self-compassion, concern for others, and basic psychological needs in the reduction of caregiving burnout
Objectives Compassion is the beneficial response of an individual to the sufferings and
difficulties of others. Self-compassion refers to feelings of concern an individual feel towards …
difficulties of others. Self-compassion refers to feelings of concern an individual feel towards …
The “why,”“what,” and “how” of healthy self-regulation: Mindfulness and well-being from a self-determination theory perspective
PP Schultz, RM Ryan - Handbook of mindfulness and self-regulation, 2015 - Springer
According to self-determination theory (SDT; Ryan and Deci, Am Psychol 55: 68–78, 2000),
both why people act (eg, from autonomy or control) and what they choose to do (eg …
both why people act (eg, from autonomy or control) and what they choose to do (eg …
Measuring personal and social responsibility: an existential positive psychology approach
Responsibility was regarded as essential for wellbeing, and measuring this construct is
warranted to develop strategies that promote people's mental health and well-being. The …
warranted to develop strategies that promote people's mental health and well-being. The …
Being aware and functioning fully
To be autonomous is to act with a full sense of volition, willingness, and choice (eg, deci &
Ryan, 2000). When autonomous, people are authentic, congruent, and integrated in their …
Ryan, 2000). When autonomous, people are authentic, congruent, and integrated in their …
Self-determination theory and motivation for music
PD MacIntyre, B Schnare, J Ross - Psychology of Music, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Learning the skills to be a musician requires an enormous amount of effort and dedication, a
long-term process that requires sustained motivation. Motivation for music is complex …
long-term process that requires sustained motivation. Motivation for music is complex …
Naturally good? Basic psychological needs and the proximal and evolutionary bases of human benevolence
People find inherent satisfactions in hel** and contributing to others for nonselfish
reasons. Self-determination theory (SDT) suggests that being benevolent is often …
reasons. Self-determination theory (SDT) suggests that being benevolent is often …