Increasing the effective retirement age: Key factors and interaction effects
T Atav, ELW Jongen, S Rabat - 2021 - econstor.eu
We study the effects of the recent increase in the statutory retirement age (SRA) in the
Netherlands, using RDD and rich administrative data on the universe of the Dutch …
Netherlands, using RDD and rich administrative data on the universe of the Dutch …
Does a higher retirement age reduce youth employment?
Pension reforms rising minimum retirement age force some senior workers to retire later
than originally expected. We evaluate the impact of a 2011 Italian reform, implemented …
than originally expected. We evaluate the impact of a 2011 Italian reform, implemented …
The effect of increasing retirement age on households' savings and consumption expenditure
This paper examines how households adjust their savings and consumption expenditure in
response to an anticipated increase in the early retirement age (ERA). We examine the 1999 …
response to an anticipated increase in the early retirement age (ERA). We examine the 1999 …
[HTML][HTML] The effect of disability insurance receipt on mortality
This paper estimates the effect of Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income
receipt on mortality for individuals on the margin of being allowed versus denied benefits …
receipt on mortality for individuals on the margin of being allowed versus denied benefits …
[КНИГА][B] The effects of the increase in the retirement age in the Netherlands
T Atav, ELW Jongen, S Rabaté - 2019 - cpb.nl
We study the effects of the recent shift in the statutory retirement age in the Netherlands. The
retirement age increased stepwise from 65 years in 2013 to 65 years and 9 months in 2017 …
retirement age increased stepwise from 65 years in 2013 to 65 years and 9 months in 2017 …
[КНИГА][B] Labor supply and the pension contribution-benefit link
We estimate the impact of public pension incentives on labor supply far from the normal
retirement age by exploiting Poland's switch from a Defined Benefit to a Notional Defined …
retirement age by exploiting Poland's switch from a Defined Benefit to a Notional Defined …
[HTML][HTML] Pension reforms and couples' labour supply decisions
This study examines how retirement options for husbands and wives impact their labour
supply decisions using a regression discontinuity design. In the context of German pension …
supply decisions using a regression discontinuity design. In the context of German pension …
[PDF][PDF] Intervento del Governatore della Banca d'Italia
I Visco - 22 Congresso ASSIOM Forex, Torino, https://www …, 2016 - bancaditalia.it
Il protrarsi della pandemia e l'incertezza sul piano sanitario, sociale ed economico
continuano a pesare sulle decisioni di consumo e di investimento, con significative …
continuano a pesare sulle decisioni di consumo e di investimento, con significative …
[PDF][PDF] Later life human capital investment
S Chinetti - 2019 - bancaditalia.it
This paper provides a novel empirical test of human capital theory by studying whether
increases in residual working life induce additional training. By exploiting a sizable Italian …
increases in residual working life induce additional training. By exploiting a sizable Italian …
The effect of increasing the early retirement age on savings behavior before retirement
Facing a reduction in pension generosity, individuals can compensate the loss by working
longer or saving more. This paper shows that the impact of changes in pension generosity …
longer or saving more. This paper shows that the impact of changes in pension generosity …