[HTML][HTML] Incidental catch of vulnerable species in Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries–A review
P Carpentieri, A Nastasi, M Sessa, A Srour - 2021 - books.google.com
Bycatch–a term widely used to refer to part of the catch unintentionally caught during a
fishing operation, in addition to target species, and consisting of the discards and incidental …
fishing operation, in addition to target species, and consisting of the discards and incidental …
Consequences of the marine climate and ecosystem shift of the 1980-90s on the Ligurian Sea biodiversity (NW Mediterranean)
A rapid temperature increase in the 1980-90s has been accompanied by dramatic and
unprecedented changes in the biota and communities of the Ligurian Sea. This review uses …
unprecedented changes in the biota and communities of the Ligurian Sea. This review uses …
A fast‐moving target: achieving marine conservation goals under shifting climate and policies
In the Anthropocene, marine ecosystems are rapidly shifting to new ecological states.
Achieving effective conservation of marine biodiversity has become a fast‐moving target …
Achieving effective conservation of marine biodiversity has become a fast‐moving target …
Megabenthic communities of the Ligurian deep continental shelf and shelf break (NW Mediterranean Sea)
The Ligurian Sea is one of the most studied Mediterranean basins. Since the beginning of
the last century, many research expeditions have characterized its benthic and pelagic …
the last century, many research expeditions have characterized its benthic and pelagic …
Evidences of fishing impact on the coastal gorgonian forests inside the Portofino MPA (NW Mediterranean Sea)
Abstract The gorgonians Paramuricea clavata (Risso, 1826) and Eunicella cavolini (Koch,
1887) are important habitat-forming species within the Mediterranean coralligenous …
1887) are important habitat-forming species within the Mediterranean coralligenous …
Marine protected areas enhance structural complexity but do not buffer the consequences of ocean warming for an overexploited precious coral
Global warming and overexploitation both threaten the integrity and resilience of marine
ecosystems. Many calls have been made to at least partially offset climate change impacts …
ecosystems. Many calls have been made to at least partially offset climate change impacts …
The influence of scuba diving experience on divers' perceptions, and its implications for managing diving destinations
Scuba diving experience–which can include accumulated diving experience and familiarity
with a diving location–is an important descriptor of diver specialisation and behaviour …
with a diving location–is an important descriptor of diver specialisation and behaviour …
Structure and status of the Italian red coral forests: What can a large-scale study tell?
The precious coral Corallium rubrum (Linnaeus, 1758) is a charismatic Mediterranean
species. A recent large-scale investigation along the Italian coast highlighted its widespread …
species. A recent large-scale investigation along the Italian coast highlighted its widespread …
Habitat constraints and self-thinning shape Mediterranean red coral deep population structure: implications for conservation practice
Abstract The Mediterranean red coral, Corallium rubrum, is one of the most precious corals
worldwide. Below 50 m depth, C. rubrum populations are generally characterised by large …
worldwide. Below 50 m depth, C. rubrum populations are generally characterised by large …
A well-kept treasure at depth: precious red coral rediscovered in Atlantic deep coral gardens (SW Portugal) after 300 years
Background The highly valuable red coral Corallium rubrum is listed in several
Mediterranean Conventions for species protection and management since the 1980s. Yet …
Mediterranean Conventions for species protection and management since the 1980s. Yet …