Hetero-cis–normativity and the gendering of transphobia

MGF Worthen - International Journal of Transgenderism, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT A persistent finding in past research reifies a “gendered” cisnormative bias
whereby heterosexual men (compared to heterosexual women) have been found to be …

Exploring trans people's lives in Britain, trans studies, geography and beyond: A review of research progress

JD Todd - Geography compass, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
In this paper, I explore how trans people's lives have been conceptualised and researched
in human geography. I begin by contextualising trans people's lived experiences in Britain …

'Safe spaces': experiences of feminist women-only space

R Lewis, E Sharp, J Remnant… - Sociological Research …, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
The gendered nature of safety has been explored empirically and theoretically as
awareness has grown of the pervasive challenges to women's safety. Notions of 'safe …

This is my TERF! Lesbian feminists and the stigmatization of trans women

MGF Worthen - Sexuality & Culture, 2022 - Springer
Though there is evidence of an historical exclusion of trans women from lesbian feminist
separatist spaces supported by radical feminist lesbian anti-trans discourse as well as …

Female masculinities and the gender wars

F Mackay - 2021 - torrossa.com
In a way I have been researching this book my whole life, because I have been studying
masculinity for as long as I can remember. Like many queer people, I realized the …

[Књига][B] Cultural geographies: An introduction

J Horton, P Kraftl - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
Cultural geography is a major, vibrant subdiscipline of human geography. Cultural
geographers have done some of the most important, exciting and thought-provokingly zesty …

Fragile subjectivities: constructing queer safe spaces

G Hartal - Social & Cultural Geography, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
This paper uses framing theory to challenge previous understandings of queer safe space,
their construction, and fundamental logics. Safe space is usually apprehended as a …

Feeling otherwise: Ambivalent affects and the politics of critique in geography

D Ruez, D Cockayne - Dialogues in Human Geography, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
Scholars across the social sciences and humanities have increasingly questioned the
meaning and purpose of critique. Contributing to those conversations, some geographers …

Urban commons are more‐than‐property

MJ Williams - Geographical Research, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Urban commons are characterised in the literature as collectively shared property in the city
shaped by a context of scarce resources, population density, and the interaction of …

Gender and sexuality I: Genderqueer geographies?

L Johnston - Progress in Human Geography, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
This report considers gender diversity across a range of spaces and places. I note that while
the notion of gender has been troubled, there exist opportunities to trouble it further. I …