[PDF][PDF] A framework for simulating the partially miscible multi-component hydrocarbon fluids in porous media via the pseudo-potential lattice Boltzmann model.

ZW Wang, C Peng, L Ayala, S Hosseini - InterPore Journal, 2024 - ipjournal.interpore.org
Retrograde condensation is a unique pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) behavior of
partially multi-component hydrocarbon mixtures in porous media. However, some important …

Modeling Two-Phase Flow in Tight Core Plugs with an Application for Relative Permeability Measurement

M Yousefi, H Dehghanpour - SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 2023 - onepetro.org
The two-phase flow of immiscible fluids in porous media has been studied for a long time in
different disciplines of engineering. Relative permeability (kr) is one of the constitutional …

Observations on the impact of displacement properties on mobility and relative permeability

A Fager, G Sun, R Xu, B Crouse, G Jerauld… - Journal of Petroleum …, 2022 - Elsevier
The accuracy of relative permeability and mobility data can strongly impact the uncertainty in
predictions of production in reservoir models. It is of particular importance to identify the most …

Estimation of Gas Condensate Relative Permeabilities for Field Development in Egypt in Absence of Reliable Core Flood Experiments

A Fogden, R Held, R Morgenstern, R Nazarov… - SPE Annual Technical …, 2020 - onepetro.org
Gas condensate field development is a challenging task involving many technical
disciplines, from sedimentology and petrophysics to reservoir and facility engineering. For …

Experimental Tight Rock Characterization and Surfactant Screening for Hydraulic Fracturing Operations

M Yousefi - 2023 - era.library.ualberta.ca
Recently, unconventional resources, especially tight and shale reservoirs, have developed
rapidly because of advances in horizontal drilling technologies and hydraulic fracturing …

A Predictive Approach for Condensate Blockage Risk Evaluation with Limited Data Availability

R Morgenstern, M Rafiee, A Fogden, R Held, A Behr… - IOR 2021, 2021 - earthdoc.org
Condensate blockage is a major risk in gas-condensate field development. In the
investigated field, the initial reservoir pressure is close to the dew point, leading to …