COVID-19 pandemic in the intensive care unit: Psychological implications and interventions, a systematic review

L Monti, E Marconi, MG Bocci… - World Journal of …, 2023 -
BACKGROUND The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic produced changes in
intensive care units (ICUs) in patient care and health organizations. The pandemic event …

[HTML][HTML] COVID-19 infection among family and friends: The psychological impact on non-infected persons

J Khubchandani, S Sharma, FJ Webb, MJ Wiblishauser… - Brain Sciences, 2022 -
Little is known about the mental health impact of having a family member or friend infected
with COVID-19. Thus, the purpose of this study was to conduct a comprehensive national …

Understanding differential stress and mental health reactions to COVID-19-related events

R Sebastião, DD Neto, V Costa - International Journal of Environmental …, 2023 -
The effects of the pandemic on mental health can be studied through different variables,
such as the number of COVID-19 stressors, the stressor types, and the stress responses …

Lived experience of the patient's families with Covid-19 admitted to the hospital: A phenomenological study

S Varaei, F Karami - Journal of Family Relations Studies, 2023 -
Objective: The present study was conducted to explain the lived experience of patient's
families with Covid-19 that admitted to the hospital. Methods: The present qualitative study …


L Monti, E Marconi, MG Bocci, GD Kotzalidis, M Mazza… - 2023 -
BACKGROUND The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic produced changes in
intensive care units (ICUs) in patient care and health organizations. The pandemic event …

[DOC][DOC] Intolerance to uncertainty and adult separation anxiety in relatives of COVID-19 inpatients

A Romeo, F Novello, L Castelli - Minerva Psychiatry, 2022 -
The coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 pandemic represents not only a worldwide emergency
health crisis, 1 but also a particularly stressful event that has profound effects on both mental …


CLC Huang, MX Xu, YF Chen, YQ Lin, YX Lin… - …, 2022 -
As elderly people increasingly come to represent a higher proportion of the world's
population, various forms of dementia are becoming a significant chronic disease burden …

Spirituele behoeften van naasten in beeld: Een onderzoek naar de spirituele zorgbehoeften van naasten die meemaakten dat hun familielid vanwege van Covid-19 …

A De Vries -
Met dit scriptieonderzoek is verkend welke spirituele zorgbehoeften naasten van Covid-IC-
patiënten ervaren tijdens en na een IC-opname. Om deze vragen te kunnen beantwoorden …