A survey on automated log analysis for reliability engineering

S He, P He, Z Chen, T Yang, Y Su, MR Lyu - ACM computing surveys …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
Logs are semi-structured text generated by logging statements in software source code. In
recent decades, software logs have become imperative in the reliability assurance …

Advances and challenges in log analysis

A Oliner, A Ganapathi, W Xu - Communications of the ACM, 2012 - dl.acm.org
Advances and challenges in log analysis Page 1 FeBRuARY 2012 | VoL. 55 | No. 2 |
coMMunicaTions of The acM 55 COMPUter-SYSteM LOgS provide a glimpse into the states of a …

Tools and benchmarks for automated log parsing

J Zhu, S He, J Liu, P He, Q ** developers make informed logging decisions
J Zhu, P He, Q Fu, H Zhang, MR Lyu… - 2015 IEEE/ACM 37th …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Logging is a common programming practice of practical importance to collect system
runtime information for postmortem analysis. Strategic logging placement is desired to cover …