Bio-inspired design: the impact of collaboration between engineers and biologists on analogical transfer and ideation
H Hashemi Farzaneh - Research in Engineering Design, 2020 - Springer
To develop innovative technical solutions, designers seek inspiration from nature and its
almost infinite pool of biological solutions. However, understanding biological solutions and …
almost infinite pool of biological solutions. However, understanding biological solutions and …
[KNYGA][B] A practical guide to bio-inspired design
HH Farzaneh, U Lindemann - 2019 - Springer
Bio-inspired design–mentioning this term to anyone immediately draws attention. Most
people feel intrigued by the idea of bio-inspired design; looking at nature and its solutions to …
people feel intrigued by the idea of bio-inspired design; looking at nature and its solutions to …
Where and how to find bio-inspiration?: A comparison of search approaches for bio-inspired design
Biologicalisation calls for the integration of biological knowledge in manufacturing. Although
biologists have been cataloguing biological knowledge for centuries, for the non-biologist …
biologists have been cataloguing biological knowledge for centuries, for the non-biologist …
[HTML][HTML] Reprint of: Where and how to find bio-inspiration?: A comparison of search approaches for bio-inspired design
Biologicalisation calls for the integration of biological knowledge in manufacturing. Although
biologists have been cataloguing biological knowledge for centuries, for the non-biologist …
biologists have been cataloguing biological knowledge for centuries, for the non-biologist …
Visual representations as a bridge for engineers and biologists in bio-inspired design collaborations
H Hashemi Farzaneh, K Helms, U Lindemann - 2015 - designsociety.org
In technical product development, engineers address technical problems by develo**
innovative solutions. An approach to develop ideas with a high potential for technical …
innovative solutions. An approach to develop ideas with a high potential for technical …
[PDF][PDF] Reducing consequences of car collision using inspiration from nature
Biomimetic design stimulates the creative idea generation within product development by
searching nature's enormous database of fine tuned solutions. The challenge for the …
searching nature's enormous database of fine tuned solutions. The challenge for the …
[KNYGA][B] Investigating Multi-label Classification for Bio-inspired Design by Using Text Mining and Natural Language Processing
S Sun - 2022 - search.proquest.com
Nowadays, bio-inspiration has enhanced the creation of sustainable and innovative
solutions to modern engineering problems. Nature is a great source for multi-functional and …
solutions to modern engineering problems. Nature is a great source for multi-functional and …
Selecting Models from Biology and Technical Product Development for Biomimetic Transfer
HH Farzaneh, MK Kaiser, U Lindemann - … of the Workshop on “The Future …, 2021 - Springer
When searching for innovative solutions in technical product development, engineers
increasingly search for analogies in other disciplines. Biology provides a large reservoir of …
increasingly search for analogies in other disciplines. Biology provides a large reservoir of …
Development of the BioPrIns and analysis of its influence in the variety of solution concepts
M Comella López-Pinto - 2014 - upcommons.upc.edu
Designers can obtain bio-inspiration by observing nature and it's behavior, by reading
biology books, by analyzing lists containing biological principles or by surfing on biological …
biology books, by analyzing lists containing biological principles or by surfing on biological …