Implementation of semi‐discrete, non‐staggered central schemes in a colocated, polyhedral, finite volume framework, for high‐speed viscous flows

CJ Greenshields, HG Weller… - … journal for numerical …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
We describe the implementation of a computational fluid dynamics solver for the simulation
of high‐speed flows. It comprises a finite volume (FV) discretization using semi‐discrete, non …

A characteristic space–time conservation element and solution element method for conservation laws

H Shen, CY Wen, DL Zhang - Journal of Computational Physics, 2015 - Elsevier
In this paper, an upwind space–time conservation element and solution element (CE/SE)
method is developed to solve conservation laws. In the present method, the mesh quantity …

Nasa rotor 37 cfd code validation glenn-ht code

A Ameri - 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including The …, 2009 -
In order to advance the goals of Aeronautics Programs at NASA, it is necessary to
continuously improve the computational tools used for research and design at NASA. One …

A characteristic space–time conservation element and solution element method for conservation laws II. Multidimensional extension

H Shen, CY Wen - Journal of Computational Physics, 2016 - Elsevier
The characteristic space–time conservation element and solution element (CE/SE) schemes
proposed by Shen et al.(2015)[15] are straightforward extended to multidimensional …

Robust high-order space–time conservative schemes for solving conservation laws on hybrid meshes

H Shen, CY Wen, K Liu, D Zhang - Journal of Computational Physics, 2015 - Elsevier
In this paper, the second-order space–time conservation element and solution element
(CE/SE) method proposed by Chang (1995)[3] is implemented on hybrid meshes for solving …

Transient three-dimensional side-load analysis of a film-cooled nozzle

TS Wang, M Guidos - Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2009 -
STRUCTURAL damages caused by the transient nozzle side loads during testing at sea
level have been found for almost all rocket engines during their initial development [1–5] …

An upwind CESE scheme for 2D and 3D MHD numerical simulation in general curvilinear coordinates

Y Yang, XS Feng, CW Jiang - Journal of Computational Physics, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract Shen et al.[1],[2] proposed an upwind space-time conservation element and
solution element (CESE) scheme for 1D and 2D hydrodynamics (HD) in rectangular …

AUSM-based high-order solution for Euler equations

AL Scandaliato, MS Liou - Communications in Computational …, 2012 -
In this paper we demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of combining the advection
upwind splitting method (AUSM), specifically AUSM+-UP, with high-order upwind-biased …

Transient three-dimensional side-load analysis of out-of-round film-cooled nozzles

TS Wang, J Lin, J Ruf, M Guidos - Journal of propulsion and power, 2011 -
NOZZLE lateral forces during transient operations, if not properly managed, are known to
cause severe structural damages to the engine and its supporting flight hardware to almost …

Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Extended Hydrodynamics.

Y Suzuki - 2008 -
This dissertation presents a step towards high-order methods for continuum-transition flows.
In order to achieve maximum accuracy and efficiency for numerical methods on a distorted …