[HTML][HTML] Potassium: a vital regulator of plant responses and tolerance to abiotic stresses
Among the plant nutrients, potassium (K) is one of the vital elements required for plant
growth and physiology. Potassium is not only a constituent of the plant structure but it also …
growth and physiology. Potassium is not only a constituent of the plant structure but it also …
Drought tolerance: roles of organic osmolytes, growth regulators, and mineral nutrients
Drought, the occurrence of a substantial water deficit in the soil or in the atmosphere, is an
alarming constraint to crop productivity and yield stability worldwide. It is the leading …
alarming constraint to crop productivity and yield stability worldwide. It is the leading …
Salinity stress induced alterations in antioxidant metabolism and nitrogen assimilation in wheat (Triticum aestivum L) as influenced by potassium supplementation
Experiments were conducted on two wheat (Triticum aestivum L) cultivars exposed to NaCl
stress with and without potassium (K) supplementation. Salt stress induced using NaCl …
stress with and without potassium (K) supplementation. Salt stress induced using NaCl …
Potassium up-regulates antioxidant metabolism and alleviates growth inhibition under water and osmotic stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L)
Pot experiments were conducted to find out the effectivity of K on Triticum aestivum L
cultivars. Polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG 6000) was used as an osmoticum to induce …
cultivars. Polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG 6000) was used as an osmoticum to induce …
[HTML][HTML] Natural farming improves crop yield in SE India when compared to conventional or organic systems by enhancing soil quality
Abstract Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) is a grassroot agrarian movement and a state
backed extension in Andhra Pradesh, and has been claimed to potentially meet the twin …
backed extension in Andhra Pradesh, and has been claimed to potentially meet the twin …
Growth, physiology, and biochemical activities of plant responses with foliar potassium application under drought stress–a review
Drought stress affects plant growth and ultimately yield is reduced. Potassium (K) is an
essential macronutrient that is required to increase the growth and yield under drought. K …
essential macronutrient that is required to increase the growth and yield under drought. K …
Potassium induces positive changes in nitrogen metabolism and antioxidant system of oat (Avena sativa L cultivar Kent)
Potassium is actively involved in many functions such as enzyme activation, osmotic
adjustment and uptake of deleterious ions like Na. Present report analyses the effectivity of …
adjustment and uptake of deleterious ions like Na. Present report analyses the effectivity of …
[HTML][HTML] Effects of potassium rates and types on growth, leaf gas exchange and biochemical changes in rice (Oryza sativa) planted under cyclic water stress
Three levels of potassium rates [80 kg K 2 O ha− 1, 120 kg K 2 O ha− 1 and 160 kg K 2 O
ha− 1) and two types potassium (KCl and K 2 SO 4) on rice under cyclic water stress 15 days …
ha− 1) and two types potassium (KCl and K 2 SO 4) on rice under cyclic water stress 15 days …
[PDF][PDF] Effect of drought stress at different growth stages on yield and water use efficiency of five proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) genotypes
In order to examine the responses of proso millet (Panicum miliaceum) to drought stress in
different growth stages, four breeded genotypes and a local one of proso millet were …
different growth stages, four breeded genotypes and a local one of proso millet were …
Planting density and sowing proportions of maize–soybean intercrops affected competitive interactions and water-use efficiencies on the Loess Plateau, China
Y Ren, J Liu, Z Wang, S Zhang - European Journal of Agronomy, 2016 - Elsevier
In field trials on the Loess Plateau, China, in 2012–13, maize (Zea mays L.) and soybean
(Glycine max L.) were sole cropped and intercropped at three densities and with three …
(Glycine max L.) were sole cropped and intercropped at three densities and with three …