Household survey data for research on well-being and behavior in Central Asia
This paper summarizes the micro-level survey evidence from Central Asia generated and
analyzed in the period 1991–2012. We provide an exhaustive overview over all accessible …
analyzed in the period 1991–2012. We provide an exhaustive overview over all accessible …
Rural urban food consumption analysis in Pakistan: Expenditure elasticities approach
The rural urban food consumption patterns are estimated and compared in Pakistan in the
present study. The Household Integrated Economic Survey (HIEs), 1998-99 data published …
present study. The Household Integrated Economic Survey (HIEs), 1998-99 data published …
Can self-sufficiency policy improve food security? An inter-temporal assessment of the wheat value-chain in Uzbekistan
L Lombardozzi, N Djanibekov - Eurasian Geography and …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
There is a controversial debate about what is the best public policy a government should
adopt to achieve an affordable and stable supply of staple food for its citizens so to ensure …
adopt to achieve an affordable and stable supply of staple food for its citizens so to ensure …
Влияние эффекта масштаба в потреблении домохозяйств на бедность в России
КР Абанокова, ММ Локшин - Экономический журнал Высшей …, 2014 - cyberleninka.ru
Официальные оценки бедности в России основаны на измерении благосостояния в
расчете на душу населения. Мы вычисляем экономию на масштабе в потреблении …
расчете на душу населения. Мы вычисляем экономию на масштабе в потреблении …
Sobre las curvas de Engel: Una breve revisión de su evolución histórica
RG Arancibia - Ensayos de Economía, 2013 - dialnet.unirioja.es
En este ensayo se presentan algunas reflexiones sobre los cambios conceptuales y
metodológicos a lo largo del pensamiento económico en los estudios referentes a curvas de …
metodológicos a lo largo del pensamiento económico en los estudios referentes a curvas de …
[PDF][PDF] An investigation into fuel demand elasticities and economies of scale in Pakistan
The study aims to investigate the consumption behavior of households towards energy items
and impact of socio-economic determinants on fuel demand in Pakistan. To figure out …
and impact of socio-economic determinants on fuel demand in Pakistan. To figure out …
Моделирование мультипликаторов доходов и расходов населения на основе модели SAM: оценки для Узбекистана
НМ Ибрагимова - Экономика и математические методы, 2017 - elibrary.ru
Основные задачи государственного вмешательства в экономику-обеспечение
устойчивых темпов экономического роста, роста занятости населения страны и …
устойчивых темпов экономического роста, роста занятости населения страны и …
Sobre las curvas de engel. una breve revisión de su evolución histórica
R García Arancibia - 2013 - ri.conicet.gov.ar
En este ensayo se presentan algunas reflexiones sobre los cambios conceptuales y
metodológicos a lo largo del pensamiento económico en los estudios referentes a curvas de …
metodológicos a lo largo del pensamiento económico en los estudios referentes a curvas de …
[PDF][PDF] Modeling Household Income and Consumption Expenditure Multipliers for Uzbekistan Based on SAM
N Ibragimova - Int J Econ Manag Sci, 2016 - researchgate.net
The empirical analysis of current development process impact on welfare and distribution of
income and consumption among individuals has been at the centre of economic research …
income and consumption among individuals has been at the centre of economic research …
Estimating Household Expenditure Economies of Scale in Iran
A Karbasi, SH Mohammadzadeh - 2018 - ageconsearch.umn.edu
Households differ from each other concerning size, age, gender and other properties, and it
is expected that households with different properties have different consumption patterns. In …
is expected that households with different properties have different consumption patterns. In …