Fixed Effects Estimation of Large-TPanel Data Models

I Fernández-Val, M Weidner - Annual Review of Economics, 2018 -
This article reviews recent advances in fixed effects estimation of panel data models for long
panels, where the number of time periods is relatively large. We focus on semiparametric …

Smoothed quantile regression for panel data

AF Galvao, K Kato - Journal of econometrics, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper studies fixed effects estimation of quantile regression models for panel data.
Under an asymptotic framework where both the numbers of individuals and time periods …

Nonlinear panel data estimation via quantile regressions

M Arellano, S Bonhomme - 2016 -
We introduce a class of quantile regression estimators for short panels. Our framework
covers static and dynamic autoregressive models, models with general predetermined …

Dynamic regression discontinuity under treatment effect heterogeneity

YC Hsu, S Shen - Quantitative Economics, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Regression discontinuity is a popular tool for analyzing economic policies or treatment
interventions. This research extends the classic static RD model to a dynamic framework …

Nonparametric difference-in-differences in repeated cross-sections with continuous treatments

X D'Haultfœuille, S Hoderlein, Y Sasaki - Journal of Econometrics, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper studies the identification of causal effects of a continuous treatment using a new
difference-in-difference strategy. Our approach allows for endogeneity of the treatment, and …

Quantile treatment effects in difference in differences models under dependence restrictions and with only two time periods

B Callaway, T Li, T Oka - Journal of Econometrics, 2018 - Elsevier
This paper shows that the Conditional Quantile Treatment Effect on the Treated is identified
under (i) a Conditional Distributional Difference in Differences assumption and (ii) a new …

Common correlated effects estimation of heterogeneous dynamic panel quantile regression models

M Harding, C Lamarche… - Journal of Applied …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
This paper proposes a quantile regression estimator for a heterogeneous panel model with
lagged dependent variables and interactive effects. The paper adopts the Common …

Proxy controls and panel data

B Deaner - arxiv preprint arxiv:1810.00283, 2018 -
We provide new results for nonparametric identification, estimation, and inference of causal
effects usingproxy controls': observables that are noisy but informative proxies for …

Panel data quantile regression with grouped fixed effects

J Gu, S Volgushev - Journal of Econometrics, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper introduces estimation methods for grouped latent heterogeneity in panel data
quantile regression. We assume that the observed individuals come from a heterogeneous …

A quantile correlated random coefficients panel data model

BS Graham, J Hahn, A Poirier, JL Powell - Journal of Econometrics, 2018 - Elsevier
We propose a generalization of the linear quantile regression model to accommodate
possibilities afforded by panel data. Specifically, we extend the correlated random …