[HTML][HTML] Tolerance of uncertainty: Conceptual analysis, integrative model, and implications for healthcare
MA Hillen, CM Gutheil, TD Strout, EMA Smets… - Social science & …, 2017 - Elsevier
Rationale Uncertainty tolerance (UT) is an important, well-studied phenomenon in health
care and many other important domains of life, yet its conceptualization and measurement …
care and many other important domains of life, yet its conceptualization and measurement …
2. Die Leipziger Autoritarismus Studie 2024: Methoden, Ergebnisse und Langzeitverlauf
Mit den Leipziger Autoritarismus Studien (LAS) untersuchen wir seit 2002 und damit bereits
in der zwölften Erhebungswelle die Verbreitung der rechtsextremen Einstellung, wir …
in der zwölften Erhebungswelle die Verbreitung der rechtsextremen Einstellung, wir …
[HTML][HTML] Risk, uncertainty and ambiguity amid Covid-19: A multi-national analysis of international travel intentions
This study analyses how Covid-19 shapes individuals' international tourism intentions in
context of bounded rationality. It provides a novel analysis of risk which is disaggregated into …
context of bounded rationality. It provides a novel analysis of risk which is disaggregated into …
Belief traps: Tackling the inertia of harmful beliefs
Beliefs can be highly resilient in the sense that they are not easily abandoned in the face of
counterevidence. This has the advantage of guiding consistent behavior and judgments but …
counterevidence. This has the advantage of guiding consistent behavior and judgments but …
Financial well-being and its relationship with subjective and psychological well-being among emerging adults: Testing the moderating effect of individual differences
Most studies investigating the emerging adults'(objective and subjective) financial well-
being specifically focused on the main predictors of this construct, whereas only few studies …
being specifically focused on the main predictors of this construct, whereas only few studies …
To fear or fly to the unknown: Tolerance for ambiguity and Big Five personality traits
The present study investigated whether ambiguity tolerance relates to personality traits that
are theoretically grounded in fear (neuroticism) or attraction (openness to experience; …
are theoretically grounded in fear (neuroticism) or attraction (openness to experience; …
Broadening perspective on creative personality: Surface and core characteristics as predictors of creative achievements
I Lebuda - Creativity Research Journal, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
While research on creative personality has a long history, most studies have focused on the
relationship between traits and creative achievements. In this concise review, I propose …
relationship between traits and creative achievements. In this concise review, I propose …
Going viral: How fear, socio-cognitive polarization and problem-solving influence fake news detection and proliferation during COVID-19 pandemic
In times of uncertainty, people often seek out information to help alleviate fear, possibly
leaving them vulnerable to false information. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we attended …
leaving them vulnerable to false information. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we attended …
Political correctness and the alt-right: The development of extreme political attitudes
JT Moss, PJ O'Connor - PloS one, 2020 - journals.plos.org
Recent studies have documented a shift from moderate political attitudes to more extreme
attitudes at the ends of the political spectrum. This can be seen in Political Correctness (PC) …
attitudes at the ends of the political spectrum. This can be seen in Political Correctness (PC) …
Why won't you listen to me? Measuring receptiveness to opposing views
We develop an 18-item self-report measure of receptiveness to opposing views. Studies 1a
and 1b present the four-factor scale and report measures of internal, convergent, and …
and 1b present the four-factor scale and report measures of internal, convergent, and …