Word sense disambiguation: a uinified evaluation framework and empirical comparison
Abstract Word Sense Disambiguation is a longstanding task in Natural Language
Processing, lying at the core of human language understanding. However, the evaluation of …
Processing, lying at the core of human language understanding. However, the evaluation of …
Ontolearn reloaded: A graph-based algorithm for taxonomy induction
In 2004 we published in this journal an article describing OntoLearn, one of the first systems
to automatically induce a taxonomy from documents and Web sites. Since then, OntoLearn …
to automatically induce a taxonomy from documents and Web sites. Since then, OntoLearn …
XL-WSD: An extra-large and cross-lingual evaluation framework for word sense disambiguation
Transformer-based architectures brought a breeze of change to Word Sense
Disambiguation (WSD), improving models' performances by a large margin. The fast …
Disambiguation (WSD), improving models' performances by a large margin. The fast …
SentiWords: Deriving a high precision and high coverage lexicon for sentiment analysis
Deriving prior polarity lexica for sentiment analysis-where positive or negative scores are
associated with words out of context-is a challenging task. Usually, a trade-off between …
associated with words out of context-is a challenging task. Usually, a trade-off between …
Using domain-specific corpora for improved handling of ambiguity in requirements
Ambiguity in natural-language requirements is a pervasive issue that has been studied by
the requirements engineering community for more than two decades. A fully manual …
the requirements engineering community for more than two decades. A fully manual …
Nibbling at the hard core of Word Sense Disambiguation
With state-of-the-art systems having finally attained estimated human performance, Word
Sense Disambiguation (WSD) has now joined the array of Natural Language Processing …
Sense Disambiguation (WSD) has now joined the array of Natural Language Processing …
[PDF][PDF] Semi-supervised word sense disambiguation using word embeddings in general and specific domains
One of the weaknesses of current supervised word sense disambiguation (WSD) systems is
that they only treat a word as a discrete entity. However, a continuous-space representation …
that they only treat a word as a discrete entity. However, a continuous-space representation …
Sentiment analysis: How to derive prior polarities from SentiWordNet
Assigning a positive or negative score to a word out of context (ie a word's prior polarity) is a
challenging task for sentiment analysis. In the literature, various approaches based on …
challenging task for sentiment analysis. In the literature, various approaches based on …
[PDF][PDF] Semeval-2013 task 13: Word sense induction for graded and non-graded senses
Most work on word sense disambiguation has assumed that word usages are best labeled
with a single sense. However, contextual ambiguity or fine-grained senses can potentially …
with a single sense. However, contextual ambiguity or fine-grained senses can potentially …
A game-theoretic approach to word sense disambiguation
This article presents a new model for word sense disambiguation formulated in terms of
evolutionary game theory, where each word to be disambiguated is represented as a node …
evolutionary game theory, where each word to be disambiguated is represented as a node …