[HTML][HTML] Revealing the theoretical basis of gamification: A systematic review and analysis of theory in research on gamification, serious games and game-based …
Despite increasing scientific interest in explaining how gamification supports positive affect
and motivation, behavior change and learning, there is still a lack of an overview of the …
and motivation, behavior change and learning, there is still a lack of an overview of the …
Participatory simulation to foster social learning on coastal flooding prevention
Due to the increase in coastal flooding risk associated with sea-level rise and increasing
population along the coasts, there is a strong need to develop efficient and long-term …
population along the coasts, there is a strong need to develop efficient and long-term …
[PDF][PDF] Les courants d'influence et la pratique de la simulation participative: contours, design et contributions aux changements sociétaux et organisationnels dans les …
N Becu - 2020 - hal.science
Résumé La simulation participative est une simulation dont le déroulement est contrôlé par
un groupe de personnes qui, en fonction d'un ensemble de règles, sont amenées à interagir …
un groupe de personnes qui, en fonction d'un ensemble de règles, sont amenées à interagir …
Policy guidelines to facilitate collective action towards quantum-safety: Recommended policy guidelines to aid and facilitate collective action in migration towards …
As the development of quantum computers advances, actors relying on public key
infrastructures (PKI) for secure information exchange are becoming aware of the disruptive …
infrastructures (PKI) for secure information exchange are becoming aware of the disruptive …
Sensibiliser au risque de submersion marine par le jeu ou faut-il qu'un jeu soit spatialement réaliste pour être efficace?
La plateforme LittoSIM modélise à partir des données réelles le risque de submersion
auquel une île de la côte atlantique française est soumise et propose à quatre équipes de …
auquel une île de la côte atlantique française est soumise et propose à quatre équipes de …
[HTML][HTML] Designing and Evaluating Games for Landslides, Earthquakes, and Fires: Lesson Learned from Schools in Nepal
The Himalayan country of Nepal is vulnerable to landslides, earthquakes, and fires. Its
inhabitants need to be empowered on how to react in emergencies to prevent fatalities and …
inhabitants need to be empowered on how to react in emergencies to prevent fatalities and …
[HTML][HTML] Scare-away risks: the effects of a serious game on adolescents' awareness of health and security risks in an Italian sample
Digital games can be defined as games supported by audiovisual apparatus and based on
storytelling. This work aims to frame video games in the recent perspective offered by …
storytelling. This work aims to frame video games in the recent perspective offered by …
SErious Game for AgroEcology (SEGAE): How much can be delivered with a 4-hour lesson?
CONTEXT European agriculture faces numerous challenges, and agroecology has
emerged as a promising alternative. To facilitate this transition, integrating agroecology into …
emerged as a promising alternative. To facilitate this transition, integrating agroecology into …
Perspective Chapter: Gamification-Pros and Cons
CR Narváez-Carrión, MM Rosales Cevallos - 2023 - ssoar.info
After the CoVid-19 pandemic lockdown occurred (2020-2021), there have been crucial
changes in teaching-learning methodologies, mainly because of the emergency online …
changes in teaching-learning methodologies, mainly because of the emergency online …
Spatial perception orientation task (SPOT) develo** an accessible tool for measuring spatial working memory.
DG Blasko, HC Lum, M Harris… - CHI'14 Extended …, 2014 - dl.acm.org
Software applications are becoming increasingly realistic and complex which creates
greater opportunities for work, gameplay and education. However, the limitations of human …
greater opportunities for work, gameplay and education. However, the limitations of human …