Trophic redundancy reduces vulnerability to extinction cascades
Current species extinction rates are at unprecedentedly high levels. While human activities
can be the direct cause of some extinctions, it is becoming increasingly clear that species …
can be the direct cause of some extinctions, it is becoming increasingly clear that species …
A Review of Theory: Comparing Invasion Ecology and Climate Change‐Induced Range Shifting
HD Flickinger, JS Dukes - Global Change Biology, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Human actions have led to large‐scale shifts in the distributions of species, which have
accelerated over recent decades. Two contributing factors include the introduction of non …
accelerated over recent decades. Two contributing factors include the introduction of non …
Demographic compensation does not rescue populations at a trailing range edge
Species' geographic ranges and climatic niches are likely to be increasingly mismatched
due to rapid climate change. If a species' range and niche are out of equilibrium, then …
due to rapid climate change. If a species' range and niche are out of equilibrium, then …
Demographic processes limit upward altitudinal range expansion in a threatened tropical palm
Understanding the factors that determine species' range limits is a key issue in ecology, and
is fundamental for biodiversity conservation under widespread global environmental …
is fundamental for biodiversity conservation under widespread global environmental …
Geographic location, local environment, and individual size mediate the effects of climate warming and neighbors on a benefactor plant
Predictions of plant responses to global warming frequently ignore biotic interactions and
intraspecific variation across geographical ranges. Benefactor species play an important …
intraspecific variation across geographical ranges. Benefactor species play an important …
Environmental stress effects on reproduction and sexual dimorphism in the gynodioecious species Silene acaulis
In gynodioecious species, hermaphrodite plants invest both in seed and pollen production,
whereas female plants only produce fruits. For both sexes to coexist, such unbalanced …
whereas female plants only produce fruits. For both sexes to coexist, such unbalanced …
Trait variability in the rare plant species Arum alpinum in Carpathian beech forest Dentario glandulosae-Fagetum (Western Carpathians, Poland)
T Wójcik, K Kostrakiewicz-Gierałt - Polish Journal of Ecology, 2020 - BioOne
The investigations of trait variability in Arum alpinum were conducted in 2016–2017 in two
Dentario glandulosae-Fagetum patches (Chełm Mountain Reserve, Western Carpathians) …
Dentario glandulosae-Fagetum patches (Chełm Mountain Reserve, Western Carpathians) …
[PDF][PDF] Společenstva rozsivek oligo–mesotrofních rybníků Novohradských hor
BF Hrubý -
Boreální oblast má chladné a vlhké podnebí, které se liší od suboceánského podnebí na
západě až po subkontinentální ve vnitrozemí a na východě. Letní vegetační období se …
západě až po subkontinentální ve vnitrozemí a na východě. Letní vegetační období se …