[HTML][HTML] A comparative review of time-resolved x-ray and electron scattering to probe structural dynamics
The structure of molecules, particularly the dynamic changes in structure, plays an essential
role in understanding physical and chemical phenomena. Time-resolved (TR) scattering …
role in understanding physical and chemical phenomena. Time-resolved (TR) scattering …
Strongly Confined CsPbBr3 Quantum Dots as Quantum Emitters and Building Blocks for Rhombic Superlattices
The success of the colloidal semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) field is rooted in the precise
synthetic control of QD size, shape, and composition, enabling electronically well-defined …
synthetic control of QD size, shape, and composition, enabling electronically well-defined …
Breaking the size limitation of nonadiabatic molecular dynamics in condensed matter systems with local descriptor machine learning
Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics (NA-MD) is a powerful tool to model far-from-equilibrium
processes, such as photochemical reactions and charge transport. NA-MD application to …
processes, such as photochemical reactions and charge transport. NA-MD application to …
Robust excitonic light emission in 2D tin halide perovskites by weak excited state polaronic effect
Abstract 2D perovskites hold immense promise in optoelectronics due to their strongly
bound electron-hole pairs (ie, excitons). While exciton polaron from interplay between …
bound electron-hole pairs (ie, excitons). While exciton polaron from interplay between …
Investigation of the octahedral network structure in Formamidinium lead bromide nanocrystals by low-dose scanning transmission electron microscopy
Metal halide perovskites (MHP) are highly promising semiconductors. In this study, we focus
on FAPbBr3 nanocrystals, which are of great interest for green light-emitting diodes …
on FAPbBr3 nanocrystals, which are of great interest for green light-emitting diodes …
Extreme Electron‐Photon Interaction in Disordered Perovskites
The interaction of light with solids can be dramatically enhanced owing to electron‐photon
momentum matching. This mechanism manifests when light scattering from nanometer …
momentum matching. This mechanism manifests when light scattering from nanometer …
Organic Ligand Engineering for Tailoring Electron–Phonon Coupling in 2D Hybrid Perovskites
In the emerging two-dimensional organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites, the electronic
structures and carrier behaviors are strongly impacted by intrinsic electron–phonon …
structures and carrier behaviors are strongly impacted by intrinsic electron–phonon …
The Impact of Partial Carrier Confinement on Stimulated Emission in Strongly Confined Perovskite Nanocrystals
Semiconductor lead halide perovskites are excellent candidates for realizing low threshold
light amplification due to their tunable and highly efficient luminescence, ease of processing …
light amplification due to their tunable and highly efficient luminescence, ease of processing …
Electronic Structure of Biexcitons in Metal Halide Perovskite Nanoplatelets
A theoretical description of biexcitons in metal halide perovskite nanoplatelets is presented.
The description is based on a variational effective mass model, including polaronic effects …
The description is based on a variational effective mass model, including polaronic effects …
Large exciton polaron formation in 2D hybrid perovskites via time-resolved photoluminescence
We find evidence for the formation and relaxation of large exciton polarons in 2D organic–
inorganic hybrid perovskites. Using ps-scale time-resolved photoluminescence within the …
inorganic hybrid perovskites. Using ps-scale time-resolved photoluminescence within the …