Towards the mathematical foundation of the minimum enclosing ball and related problems

MN Vrahatis - arxiv preprint arxiv:2402.06629, 2024 -
Theoretical background is provided towards the mathematical foundation of the minimum
enclosing ball problem. This problem concerns the determination of the unique spherical …

Fast algorithms for the minimum volume estimator

SD Ahipaşaoğlu - Journal of Global Optimization, 2015 - Springer
The minimum volume ellipsoid (MVE) estimator is an important tool in robust regression and
outlier detection in statistics. We develop fast and efficient algorithms for the MVE estimator …

Poincaré fréchet mean

X Cao - Pattern Recognition, 2023 - Elsevier
Generalizing the Fréchet mean from the Euclidean metric is not able to properly capture the
geometric characteristics of many non-trivial operations, such as the non-dot inner product …

Fast and robust approximation of smallest enclosing balls in arbitrary dimensions

T Larsson, L Källberg - Computer Graphics Forum, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
In this paper, an algorithm is introduced that computes an arbitrarily fine approximation of
the smallest enclosing ball of a point set in any dimension. This operation is important in, for …

Minimum enclosing balls and ellipsoids in general dimensions

L Källberg - 2019 -
In this doctoral thesis, we study the problem of computing the ball of smallest radius
enclosing a given set of points in any number of dimensions. Variations of this problem arise …

Scalable decision fusion algorithm for enabling decentralized computation in distributed, big data clustering problems

HS Jennath, S Asharaf - International Journal of Machine Learning and …, 2024 - Springer
In the world of big data, extracting meaningful insights from large and continually growing
distributed datasets is a major challenge. Classical clustering algorithms are effective at …

Parallel computation of optimal enclosing balls by iterative orthant scan

T Larsson, G Capannini, L Källberg - Computers & Graphics, 2016 - Elsevier
We propose an algorithm for computing the exact minimum enclosing ball of large point sets
in general dimensions. It aims to reduce the number of passes by retrieving a well-balanced …

A first-order algorithm for the A-optimal experimental design problem: a mathematical programming approach

SD Ahipaşaoğlu - Statistics and Computing, 2015 - Springer
We develop and analyse a first-order algorithm for the A-optimal experimental design
problem. The problem is first presented as a special case of a parametric family of optimal …

On the elimination of inessential points in the smallest enclosing ball problem

L Pronzato - Optimization Methods and Software, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
We consider the construction of the smallest ball B∗ enclosing a set X n formed by n points
in R d. We show that any probability measure on X n, with mean c and variance matrix V …

An efficient cluster assignment algorithm for scaling support vector clustering

HS Jennath, S Asharaf - … : Proceedings of ICICC 2021, Volume 2, 2022 - Springer
Abstract Support Vector Clustering (SVC) algorithm reformulates SVM's Quadratic
Programming as a minimum enclosing ball (MEB) problem, where every point in the data …