Towards the mathematical foundation of the minimum enclosing ball and related problems
MN Vrahatis - arxiv preprint arxiv:2402.06629, 2024 - arxiv.org
Theoretical background is provided towards the mathematical foundation of the minimum
enclosing ball problem. This problem concerns the determination of the unique spherical …
enclosing ball problem. This problem concerns the determination of the unique spherical …
Fast algorithms for the minimum volume estimator
SD Ahipaşaoğlu - Journal of Global Optimization, 2015 - Springer
The minimum volume ellipsoid (MVE) estimator is an important tool in robust regression and
outlier detection in statistics. We develop fast and efficient algorithms for the MVE estimator …
outlier detection in statistics. We develop fast and efficient algorithms for the MVE estimator …
Poincaré fréchet mean
X Cao - Pattern Recognition, 2023 - Elsevier
Generalizing the Fréchet mean from the Euclidean metric is not able to properly capture the
geometric characteristics of many non-trivial operations, such as the non-dot inner product …
geometric characteristics of many non-trivial operations, such as the non-dot inner product …
Fast and robust approximation of smallest enclosing balls in arbitrary dimensions
T Larsson, L Källberg - Computer Graphics Forum, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
In this paper, an algorithm is introduced that computes an arbitrarily fine approximation of
the smallest enclosing ball of a point set in any dimension. This operation is important in, for …
the smallest enclosing ball of a point set in any dimension. This operation is important in, for …
Minimum enclosing balls and ellipsoids in general dimensions
L Källberg - 2019 - diva-portal.org
In this doctoral thesis, we study the problem of computing the ball of smallest radius
enclosing a given set of points in any number of dimensions. Variations of this problem arise …
enclosing a given set of points in any number of dimensions. Variations of this problem arise …
Scalable decision fusion algorithm for enabling decentralized computation in distributed, big data clustering problems
In the world of big data, extracting meaningful insights from large and continually growing
distributed datasets is a major challenge. Classical clustering algorithms are effective at …
distributed datasets is a major challenge. Classical clustering algorithms are effective at …
Parallel computation of optimal enclosing balls by iterative orthant scan
We propose an algorithm for computing the exact minimum enclosing ball of large point sets
in general dimensions. It aims to reduce the number of passes by retrieving a well-balanced …
in general dimensions. It aims to reduce the number of passes by retrieving a well-balanced …
A first-order algorithm for the A-optimal experimental design problem: a mathematical programming approach
SD Ahipaşaoğlu - Statistics and Computing, 2015 - Springer
We develop and analyse a first-order algorithm for the A-optimal experimental design
problem. The problem is first presented as a special case of a parametric family of optimal …
problem. The problem is first presented as a special case of a parametric family of optimal …
On the elimination of inessential points in the smallest enclosing ball problem
L Pronzato - Optimization Methods and Software, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
We consider the construction of the smallest ball B∗ enclosing a set X n formed by n points
in R d. We show that any probability measure on X n, with mean c and variance matrix V …
in R d. We show that any probability measure on X n, with mean c and variance matrix V …
An efficient cluster assignment algorithm for scaling support vector clustering
Abstract Support Vector Clustering (SVC) algorithm reformulates SVM's Quadratic
Programming as a minimum enclosing ball (MEB) problem, where every point in the data …
Programming as a minimum enclosing ball (MEB) problem, where every point in the data …