Streams and riparian forests depend on each other: A review with a special focus on microbes
MJ Tolkkinen, J Heino, SHK Ahonen… - Forest Ecology and …, 2020 - Elsevier
In this review, we draw together the research on the two-way connection of streams and their
riparian forests of the boreal zone from ecological points of view. Although the knowledge …
riparian forests of the boreal zone from ecological points of view. Although the knowledge …
Impacts and prognosis of natural resource development on aquatic biodiversity in Canada's boreal zone
D Kreutzweiser, F Beall, K Webster… - Environmental …, 2013 -
Conservation efforts to sustain water resources and aquatic biodiversity in boreal
watersheds will require reliable information on the recent status of various indicator species …
watersheds will require reliable information on the recent status of various indicator species …
A synthesis of the ecology of headwater streams and their riparian zones in temperate forests
Headwater streams and their riparian areas, ie, headwater systems, differ from larger
streams in a number of fundamental ways that shape their characteristic biological …
streams in a number of fundamental ways that shape their characteristic biological …
[KNJIGA][B] The riverine ecosystem synthesis: toward conceptual cohesiveness in river science
This book presents the most comprehensive model yet for describing the structure and
functioning of running freshwater ecosystems. Riverine Ecosystems Synthesis (RES) is a …
functioning of running freshwater ecosystems. Riverine Ecosystems Synthesis (RES) is a …
Influences of wildfire and channel reorganization on spatial and temporal variation in stream temperature and the distribution of fish and amphibians
A bstract Wildfire can influence a variety of stream ecosystem properties. We studied stream
temperatures in relation to wildfire in small streams in the Boise River Basin, located in …
temperatures in relation to wildfire in small streams in the Boise River Basin, located in …
Changing forests—changing streams: riparian forest stand development and ecosystem function in temperate headwaters
Light availability influences temperature, primary production, nutrient dynamics, and
secondary production in aquatic ecosystems. In forested freshwater ecosystems, shading by …
secondary production in aquatic ecosystems. In forested freshwater ecosystems, shading by …
The ecological importance of tributaries and confluences
Until recently, the ecological importance of tributary confluences had received relatively little
attention (eg Bruns et al., 1984; Petts and Greenwood, 1985), but this is now changing. It is …
attention (eg Bruns et al., 1984; Petts and Greenwood, 1985), but this is now changing. It is …
Measuring stream macroinvertebrate responses to gradients of vegetation cover: when is enough enough?
RG Death, KJ Collier - Freshwater Biology, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Management of stream biodiversity is often tightly linked with the restoration and protection
of riparian and catchment vegetation. Despite that, there are no established guidelines on …
of riparian and catchment vegetation. Despite that, there are no established guidelines on …
The ecology of freshwater epipelic algae: an update
A Poulíčková, P Hašler, M Lysáková, B Spears - Phycologia, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
A. Poulíčková, P. Hašler, M. Lysáková and B. Spears. 2008. The ecology of freshwater
epipelic algae: an update. Phycologia 47: 437–450. DOI: 10.2216/07-59.1. Epipelic algae …
epipelic algae: an update. Phycologia 47: 437–450. DOI: 10.2216/07-59.1. Epipelic algae …
Beyond cool: adapting upland streams for climate change using riparian woodlands
Managed adaptation could reduce the risks of climate change to the world's ecosystems, but
there have been surprisingly few practical evaluations of the options available. For example …
there have been surprisingly few practical evaluations of the options available. For example …