Spatiotemporal optical solitons
In the course of the past several years, a new level of understanding has been achieved
about conditions for the existence, stability, and generation of spatiotemporal optical …
about conditions for the existence, stability, and generation of spatiotemporal optical …
Optical solitons due to quadratic nonlinearities: from basic physics to futuristic applications
We present an overview of nonlinear phenomena related to optical quadratic solitons—
intrinsically multi-component localized states of light, which can exist in media without …
intrinsically multi-component localized states of light, which can exist in media without …
[ספר][B] Optical solitons: from fibers to photonic crystals
YS Kivshar, GP Agrawal - 2003 - books.google.com
The current research into solitons and their use in fiber optic communications is very
important to the future of communications. Since the advent of computer networking and …
important to the future of communications. Since the advent of computer networking and …
Variational methods in nonlinear fiber optics and related fields
The mathematical basis of nonlinear optics is Maxwell's system of equations governing
propagation of electromagnetic waves in a material medium, combined with relations …
propagation of electromagnetic waves in a material medium, combined with relations …
Periodic nanostructures for photonics
Periodic nanostructures in photonics facilitate a far-reaching control of light propagation and
light–matter interaction. This article reviews the current status of this subject, including both …
light–matter interaction. This article reviews the current status of this subject, including both …
Temporal solitons and pulse compression in photonic crystal waveguides
Properties of collective excitations in physical systems are determined, in generic situations,
by the interplay of a few fundamental ingredients: spatial dimension, external potential …
by the interplay of a few fundamental ingredients: spatial dimension, external potential …
Localized modes in dense repulsive and attractive Bose-Einstein condensates with spin-orbit and Rabi couplings
We consider a binary Bose-Einstein condensate with linear and nonlinear interactions
between its components, which emulate the spinor system with spin-orbit (SO) and Rabi …
between its components, which emulate the spinor system with spin-orbit (SO) and Rabi …
Self-trap** and stable localized modes in nonlinear photonic crystals
We predict the existence of stable nonlinear localized modes near the band edge of a two-
dimensional reduced-symmetry photonic crystal with a Kerr nonlinearity. Employing the …
dimensional reduced-symmetry photonic crystal with a Kerr nonlinearity. Employing the …