Comparisons of citations in Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar for articles published in general medical journals
Context Until recently, Web of Science was the only database available to track citation
counts for published articles. Other databases are now available, but their relative …
counts for published articles. Other databases are now available, but their relative …
Bibliometric analysis of literature on diabetes (1995–2004)
G Krishnamoorthy, J Ramakrishnan, S Devi - 2009 - nopr.niscpr.res.in
Bibliometric analysis of diabetes literature indexed the MEDLINE database for the period
1995-2004 shows that maximum number of records (13244) was during 2003, followed by …
1995-2004 shows that maximum number of records (13244) was during 2003, followed by …
Pathology of liver disease: advances in the last 50 years
M Torbenson, K Washington - Human pathology, 2020 - Elsevier
Liver disease has been recognized in various forms for centuries. Incredible advances,
however, have been made especially in the last 50 years, driven by improvements in …
however, have been made especially in the last 50 years, driven by improvements in …
What's in a number? Issues in providing evidence of impact and quality of research (ers)
One of the challenges facing qualitative researchers in a climate in which audit culture has
permeated many facets of the institutions in which they research is how to establish the …
permeated many facets of the institutions in which they research is how to establish the …
A generalized view of self-citation: Direct, co-author, collaborative, and coercive induced self-citation
JPA Ioannidis - Journal of psychosomatic research, 2015 - Elsevier
The phenomenon of self-citation can present in many different forms, including direct, co-
author, collaborative, and coercive induced self-citation. It can also pertain to the citation of …
author, collaborative, and coercive induced self-citation. It can also pertain to the citation of …
Characteristics associated with citation rate of the medical literature
Background The citation rate for articles is viewed as a measure of their importance and
impact; however, little is known about what features of articles are associated with higher …
impact; however, little is known about what features of articles are associated with higher …
A scientometric analysis of international LIS journals: Productivity and characteristics
M Davarpanah, S Aslekia - Scientometrics, 2008 - akjournals.com
This paper presents a quantitative study of productivity, characteristics and various aspects
of global publication in the field of library and information science (LIS). A total of 894 …
of global publication in the field of library and information science (LIS). A total of 894 …
The creative person in science.
M Grosul, GJ Feist - Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the …, 2014 - psycnet.apa.org
The psychological qualities of the creative person in general are gradually becoming more
and more clear, and yet the psychological qualities of the creative scientists remain less …
and more clear, and yet the psychological qualities of the creative scientists remain less …
Life and times of the impact factor: retrospective analysis of trends for seven medical journals (1994-2005) and their Editors' views
M Chew, EV Villanueva… - Journal of the Royal …, 2007 - journals.sagepub.com
Objective (1) To analyse trends in the journal impact factor (IF) of seven general medical
journals (Ann Intern Med, BMJ, CMAJ, JAMA, Lancet, Med J Aust and N Engl J Med) over 12 …
journals (Ann Intern Med, BMJ, CMAJ, JAMA, Lancet, Med J Aust and N Engl J Med) over 12 …
The top 100 cited articles in urology
K Hennessey, K Afshar… - Canadian Urological …, 2009 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Background We identified and analyzed the characteristics of the 100 most frequently cited
articles published between 1965 and 2007 in journals pertaining to urology and related …
articles published between 1965 and 2007 in journals pertaining to urology and related …