Reactive species in non-equilibrium atmospheric-pressure plasmas: Generation, transport, and biological effects
Non-equilibrium atmospheric-pressure plasmas have recently become a topical area of
research owing to their diverse applications in health care and medicine, environmental …
research owing to their diverse applications in health care and medicine, environmental …
Concepts, capabilities, and limitations of global models: A review
For researchers wishing to generate an understanding of complex plasma systems, global
models often present an attractive first step, mainly due to their ease of development and …
models often present an attractive first step, mainly due to their ease of development and …
Non‐thermal plasma in contact with water: the origin of species
Non‐thermal atmospheric pressure plasma has attracted considerable attention in recent
years due to its potential for biomedical applications. Determining the mechanism of the …
years due to its potential for biomedical applications. Determining the mechanism of the …
Guided ionization waves: The physics of repeatability
Guided ionization waves, or plasma streamers, are increasingly important for many
applications in spanning materials processing and biomedicine. The highly reproducible …
applications in spanning materials processing and biomedicine. The highly reproducible …
Foundations of plasma standards
The field of low-temperature plasmas (LTPs) excels by virtue of its broad intellectual
diversity, interdisciplinarity and range of applications. This great diversity also challenges …
diversity, interdisciplinarity and range of applications. This great diversity also challenges …
Chemical kinetics in an atmospheric pressure helium plasma containing humidity
Atmospheric pressure plasmas are sources of biologically active oxygen and nitrogen
species, which makes them potentially suitable for the use as biomedical devices. Here …
species, which makes them potentially suitable for the use as biomedical devices. Here …
On the penetration depth of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generated by a plasma jet through real biological tissue
In this work, an actual biological tissue is used to investigate how thick the reactive oxygen
and nitrogen species (RONS) produced by a plasma jet can penetrate through the tissue …
and nitrogen species (RONS) produced by a plasma jet can penetrate through the tissue …
Combining experimental and modelling approaches to study the sources of reactive species induced in water by the COST RF plasma jet
The vast biomedical potential of cold atmospheric pressure plasmas (CAPs) is governed by
the formation of reactive species. These biologically active species are formed upon the …
the formation of reactive species. These biologically active species are formed upon the …
Plasmas for environmental issues: From hydrogen production to 2D materials assembly
It is well recognized at present that the unique, high energy density plasma environment
provides suitable conditions to dissociate/atomize molecules in remediation systems, to …
provides suitable conditions to dissociate/atomize molecules in remediation systems, to …
The selective effect of plasma activated medium in an in vitro co-culture of liver cancer and normal cells
In this work, a co-culture system with liver cancer cell line HepG2 and normal cell line L02 is
used to investigate the selective effect on cancer and normal cells by plasma activated …
used to investigate the selective effect on cancer and normal cells by plasma activated …