[PDF][PDF] Digiajan työelämä− työolotutkimuksen tuloksia 1977− 2018
H Sutela, A Pärnänen, M Keyriläinen - 2019 - doria.fi
Noin viiden vuoden välein tehdyn Työolotutkimuksen aikasarjat ulottuvat pisimmillään
vuoteen 1977. Jokaisella tutkimuskerralla tutkimuksen sisältöä on ajantasaistettu …
vuoteen 1977. Jokaisella tutkimuskerralla tutkimuksen sisältöä on ajantasaistettu …
The mediating effect of work motivation on the influence of job design and organizational culture against HR performance
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to know the effect of mediation of work motivation on
the influence of job design and organizational culture on human resource performance …
the influence of job design and organizational culture on human resource performance …
Problematic Internet usage and safety behavior: Does time autonomy matter?
AM Abubakar, MF Al-zyoud - Telematics and Informatics, 2021 - Elsevier
Modern organizations must use the Internet, digital and mobile devices to respond to
business demands efficiently. It is also imperative for practitioners and researchers to …
business demands efficiently. It is also imperative for practitioners and researchers to …
Organizational culture as a prerequisite for knowledge transfer among IT professionals: The case of energy companies
The energy sector is the epitome of Industry 4.0; therefore, it should be developed in line
with the Industry 4.0 implementation framework and be managed according to the …
with the Industry 4.0 implementation framework and be managed according to the …
Within-person associations between daily stress and physical activity during working and non-working hours
People experience stressors on 40% of days, and emotional responses to stressors
increase the risk for poor health, in part by impacting health behaviors like physical activity …
increase the risk for poor health, in part by impacting health behaviors like physical activity …
[HTML][HTML] Social facilitators of specialist knowledge dispersion in the digital era
The digital revolution has triggered disproportions resulting from unequal access to
knowledge and various related skills, because the constituting new civilization is based on …
knowledge and various related skills, because the constituting new civilization is based on …
Työn rajaaminen ja vaikutusvalta hoitotyön esihenkilötyössä
Sosiaali-ja terveysala on kohdannut 2020-luvulla suuria muutoksia ja haasteita, mikä on
kuormittanut alan esihenkilöitä. Hoitotyön esihenkilöiden työnkuvat ovat laajentuneet ja …
kuormittanut alan esihenkilöitä. Hoitotyön esihenkilöiden työnkuvat ovat laajentuneet ja …
Determinants of the knowledge diffusion process among professionals in the IT sector
A Pietruszka-Ortyl - Forum Scientiae Oeconomia, 2020 - ceeol.com
Today, knowledge has become dominant, creating a new dimension of theeconomy, a new
society and a new employee. Knowledge workers haveemerged as the core of a modern …
society and a new employee. Knowledge workers haveemerged as the core of a modern …
A Pietruszka-Ortyl - Economic Horizons/Ekonomski …, 2021 - horizonti.ekfak.kg.ac.rs
The knowledge workers who form the core of the crew of a modern organization have
emerged. They have a unique position in an enterprise, which complicates the incentive …
emerged. They have a unique position in an enterprise, which complicates the incentive …
[PDF][PDF] Views of Finnish mothers on childcare and labour market participation: a cross-European comparison
S Weckström - 2018 - utupub.fi
Family time is highly valued in Finland, and is important for the wellbeing of all family
members. At the same time, work participation provides an essential means to fulfil financial …
members. At the same time, work participation provides an essential means to fulfil financial …