A comprehensive survey on SDN security: threats, mitigations, and future directions
Nowadays, security threats on Software Defined Network SDN architectures are similar to
traditional networks. However, the profile of these threats changes with SDN. For example, a …
traditional networks. However, the profile of these threats changes with SDN. For example, a …
Comprehensive review of artificial intelligence and statistical approaches in distributed denial of service attack and defense methods
Until now, an effective defense method against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks
is yet to be offered by security systems. Incidents of serious damage due to DDoS attacks …
is yet to be offered by security systems. Incidents of serious damage due to DDoS attacks …
A taxonomy of blockchain-enabled softwarization for secure UAV network
The recent advancements in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) upsurges its usages in
commercial and civilian applications such as surveillance, rescue, and crowdsensing. UAVs …
commercial and civilian applications such as surveillance, rescue, and crowdsensing. UAVs …
SAFETY: Early detection and mitigation of TCP SYN flood utilizing entropy in SDN
Software defined networking (SDN) is an emerging network paradigm which emphasizes
the separation of the control plane from the data plane. This decoupling provides several …
the separation of the control plane from the data plane. This decoupling provides several …
[HTML][HTML] A comprehensive survey on DDoS attacks detection & mitigation in SDN-IoT network
C Singh, AK Jain - e-Prime-Advances in Electrical Engineering …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed our lives by introducing new services
and enhancing productivity. However, the widespread adoption of IoT devices and …
and enhancing productivity. However, the widespread adoption of IoT devices and …
A survey on OpenFlow-based Software Defined Networks: Security challenges and countermeasures
Abstract Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has been proposed as an emerging network
architecture, which consists of decoupling the control planes and data planes of a network …
architecture, which consists of decoupling the control planes and data planes of a network …
Slicots: An sdn-based lightweight countermeasure for tcp syn flooding attacks
Software defined networking (SDN) is a novel networking paradigm which decouples control
plane from data plane. This separation facilitates a high level of programmability and …
plane from data plane. This separation facilitates a high level of programmability and …
[HTML][HTML] M-RL: A mobility and impersonation-aware IDS for DDoS UDP flooding attacks in IoT-Fog networks
Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) has recently received a lot of attention from the
information and communication technology community. It has turned out to be a crucial …
information and communication technology community. It has turned out to be a crucial …
Ransomware detection and mitigation using software-defined networking: The case of WannaCry
Modern day ransomware families implement sophisticated encryption and propagation
schemes, thus limiting chances to recover the data almost to zero. We investigate the use of …
schemes, thus limiting chances to recover the data almost to zero. We investigate the use of …
SYNTROPY: TCP SYN DDoS attack detection for Software Defined Network based on Rényi entropy
The rapidly evolving landscape of network security, particularly in Software Defined
Networks (SDNs), presents a critical need for efficient and adaptive DDoS attack detection …
Networks (SDNs), presents a critical need for efficient and adaptive DDoS attack detection …