Perturbing the muscle work loop paradigm to unravel the neuromechanics of unsteady locomotion
Muscle function during movement is more than a simple, linear transformation of neural
activity into force. The classic work loop technique has pioneered our understanding of …
activity into force. The classic work loop technique has pioneered our understanding of …
Synaptic architecture of leg and wing premotor control networks in Drosophila
Animal movement is controlled by motor neurons (MNs), which project out of the central
nervous system to activate muscles. MN activity is coordinated by complex premotor …
nervous system to activate muscles. MN activity is coordinated by complex premotor …
Bio-inspired small target motion detection with spatio-temporal feedback in natural scenes
Small moving objects at far distance always occupy only one or a few pixels in image and
exhibit extremely limited visual features, which bring great challenges to motion detection …
exhibit extremely limited visual features, which bring great challenges to motion detection …
[PDF][PDF] A hull reconstruction–reprojection method for pose estimation of free-flying fruit flies
Understanding the mechanisms of insect flight requires high-quality data of free-flight
kinematics, eg for comparative studies or genetic screens. Although recent improvements in …
kinematics, eg for comparative studies or genetic screens. Although recent improvements in …
Flight power muscles have a coordinated, causal role in controlling hawkmoth pitch turns
Flying insects solve a daunting control problem of generating a patterned and precise motor
program to stay airborne and generate agile maneuvers. In this motor program, each muscle …
program to stay airborne and generate agile maneuvers. In this motor program, each muscle …
System Identification of Interaction Network in Insect Group Flights by Cross Correlation
Despite significant communication and processing limitations, flying insects frequently
demonstrate coordinated flight in crowded assemblies. Identifying the feedback mechanisms …
demonstrate coordinated flight in crowded assemblies. Identifying the feedback mechanisms …
Wings of Change: aPKC/FoxP-dependent plasticity in steering motor neurons underlies operant self-learning in Drosophila
Background Motor learning is central to human existence, such as learning to speak or walk,
sports moves, or rehabilitation after injury. Evidence suggests that all forms of motor learning …
sports moves, or rehabilitation after injury. Evidence suggests that all forms of motor learning …
Pairwise interactions, feedback rule changes, and deliberative decisions underlie honeybee inflight group coordination
Systematic descriptions of the underlying interaction rules that insects use to support group
and swarm flight has the potential to contribute to mathematics, biology, and robotics …
and swarm flight has the potential to contribute to mathematics, biology, and robotics …
[PDF][PDF] Wings of Change: aPKC/FoxP-dependent plasticity in steering motor neurons underlies operant self-learning in Drosophila [version 2; peer review: 1 approved …
A Ehweiner, C Duch, B Brembs - 2024 - researchgate.net
Background Motor learning is central to human existence, such as learning to speak or walk,
sports moves, or rehabilitation after injury. Evidence suggests that all forms of motor learning …
sports moves, or rehabilitation after injury. Evidence suggests that all forms of motor learning …
Flight power muscles have a coordinated, causal role in hawkmoth pitch turns
Flying insects solve a daunting control problem of generating a patterned and precise motor
program to stay airborne and generate agile maneuvers. In this motor program consisting of …
program to stay airborne and generate agile maneuvers. In this motor program consisting of …