Bidirectional LSTM with self-attention mechanism and multi-channel features for sentiment classification
W Li, F Qi, M Tang, Z Yu - Neurocomputing, 2020 - Elsevier
There are a lot of linguistic knowledge and sentiment resources nowadays, but in the current
research with deep learning framework, these kinds of unique sentiment information are not …
research with deep learning framework, these kinds of unique sentiment information are not …
Sentiment analysis for user reviews using Bi-LSTM self-attention based CNN model
In this digital era, people are increasingly sharing their opinions in online review sites, and
vast amounts of customer feedback are generated daily. Many customers make use of these …
vast amounts of customer feedback are generated daily. Many customers make use of these …
刘继明, 张培翔, 刘颖, 张伟东… - Journal of Frontiers of …, 2021 -
情感分析是指利用计算机自动分析确定人们所要表达的情感, 其在人机交互和刑侦破案等领域都
能发挥重大作用. 深度学**和传统特征提取算法的进步为利用多种模态进行情感分析提供了条件 …
能发挥重大作用. 深度学**和传统特征提取算法的进步为利用多种模态进行情感分析提供了条件 …
Sentiment classification of microblog: A framework based on BERT and CNN with attention mechanism
K Jia - Computers and Electrical Engineering, 2022 - Elsevier
BERT, a boon to natural language understanding, extracts the context information of words
and forms the basis of the newly-designed sentiment classification framework for Chinese …
and forms the basis of the newly-designed sentiment classification framework for Chinese …
Research on sentiment analysis model of short text based on deep learning
ZG Zhou - Scientific Programming, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
With the wide application of the Internet and the rapid development of network technology,
microblogs and online shop** platforms are playing an increasingly important role in …
microblogs and online shop** platforms are playing an increasingly important role in …
[HTML][HTML] Feature fusion text classification model combining CNN and BiGRU with multi-attention mechanism
J Zhang, F Liu, W Xu, H Yu - Future Internet, 2019 -
Convolutional neural networks (CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM) have gained
wide recognition in the field of natural language processing. However, due to the pre-and …
wide recognition in the field of natural language processing. However, due to the pre-and …
Sentiment analysis and prediction model based on Chinese government affairs microblogs
M Li, Y Shi - Heliyon, 2023 -
Existing sentiment analysis research on Chinese government affairs microblogs primarily
focuses on the task of sentiment classification on microblogs. There has been a lack of …
focuses on the task of sentiment classification on microblogs. There has been a lack of …
Joint detection algorithm for multiple cognitive users in spectrum sensing
F Meng, Y Wang, L Zhang, Y Zhao - arxiv preprint arxiv:2311.18599, 2023 -
Spectrum sensing technology is a crucial aspect of modern communication technology,
serving as one of the essential techniques for efficiently utilizing scarce information …
serving as one of the essential techniques for efficiently utilizing scarce information …
Multi-featured cyberbullying detection based on deep learning
Y Luo, X Zhang, J Hua, W Shen - 2021 16th international …, 2021 -
Cyberbullying is a common and harmful social problem. The existing cyberbullying
detections used traditional machine learning and deep learning algorithms to extract text …
detections used traditional machine learning and deep learning algorithms to extract text …
Microblog sentiment analysis based on deep memory network with structural attention
Microblog sentiment analysis has important applications in many fields, such as social
media analysis and online product reviews. However, the traditional methods may be …
media analysis and online product reviews. However, the traditional methods may be …