Arabic dialogue system for hotel reservation based on natural language processing techniques
In this paper, we present an Arabic dialogue system (also referred to as a conversational
agent) intended to interact with hotel customers and generate responses about reserving a …
agent) intended to interact with hotel customers and generate responses about reserving a …
[PDF][PDF] Parsing Arabic nominal sentences using context free grammar and fundamental rules of classical grammar
N Ababou, A Mazroui, R Belehbib - International Journal of …, 2017 - researchgate.net
Arabic natural language processing. We are interested in parsing Arabic texts. Existing
parsers generate parse trees that give an idea about the structure of the sentence without …
parsers generate parse trees that give an idea about the structure of the sentence without …
A survey of syntactic parsers of Arabic language
Y Zaki, H Hajjar, M Hajjar, G Bernard - Proceedings of the International …, 2016 - dl.acm.org
Syntactic parsing constitutes one of the most important stages for many Natural Language
Processing applications such as Information Retrieval or Question Answering. We present a …
Processing applications such as Information Retrieval or Question Answering. We present a …
[PDF][PDF] Robust rule-based approach in Arabic processing
R Ouersighni - International Journal of Computer Applications, 2014 - Citeseer
ABSTRACT A parsing system is a key element of many computer applications such as
Information Retrieval, Knowledge Extraction and automatic translation. This paper presents …
Information Retrieval, Knowledge Extraction and automatic translation. This paper presents …
[PDF][PDF] Latent-variable PCFGs: Background and applications
SB Cohen - Proceedings of the 15th Meeting on the Mathematics …, 2017 - aclanthology.org
Latent-variable probabilistic context-free grammars are latent-variable models that are
based on context-free grammars. Nonterminals are associated with latent states that provide …
based on context-free grammars. Nonterminals are associated with latent states that provide …
Une approche hybride pour l'analyse syntaxique de la langue arabe
N Khoufi - 2017 - hal.science
L'analyse syntaxique est une tâche importante pour les applications du TALN tel que les
systèmes de questions réponses, l'analyse d'opinion, ou la traduction automatique. C'est …
systèmes de questions réponses, l'analyse d'opinion, ou la traduction automatique. C'est …
[PDF][PDF] A system for evaluating the content of LMF Arabic dictionaries
Dictionaries are fundamental linguistic resources for both human and NLP users.
Nonetheless, some dictionaries are published with errors and inconsistencies that are …
Nonetheless, some dictionaries are published with errors and inconsistencies that are …
[PDF][PDF] Induction d'une grammaire de propriétés à granularité variable à partir du treebank arabe ATB
RB Bahloul, M Elkarwi - academia.edu
Dans cet article, nous présentons une démarche pour l'induction d'une grammaire de
propriétés (GP) arabe en utilisant le treebank ATB. Cette démarche se base sur deux …
propriétés (GP) arabe en utilisant le treebank ATB. Cette démarche se base sur deux …
[KNIHA][B] Linking Arabic social media based on similarity and sentiment
S Alhazmi - 2016 - search.proquest.com
A large proportion of World Wide Web (WWW) users treat it as a social medium, ie many of
them use the WWW to express and communicate their opinions. Economic value or utility …
them use the WWW to express and communicate their opinions. Economic value or utility …
[PDF][PDF] A Robust Parser for Unrestricted Arabic Text
R Ouersighni - Citeseer
Parsing systems able to analyze natural language text robustly would be of great value in
computer applications such as Information Retrieval, Knowledge Extraction and automatic …
computer applications such as Information Retrieval, Knowledge Extraction and automatic …