[HTML][HTML] Minority influence in climate change mitigation
While the majority of people care about environmental quality, they keep engaging in carbon-
intensive practices that exacerbate climate change. Can we expect humans to collectively …
intensive practices that exacerbate climate change. Can we expect humans to collectively …
Political sociology in a time of protest
C Barrie - Current sociology, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
We live in a time of protest. Relative to sociology, political science has traditionally paid little
attention to 'extra-institutional'forms of political behaviour. For its part, sociology has tended …
attention to 'extra-institutional'forms of political behaviour. For its part, sociology has tended …
[HTML][HTML] “How do you know someone's vegan?” They won't always tell you. An empirical test of the do-gooder's dilemma
A growing number of people (privately) endorse the benefits associated with adopting a
meat-free diet. Yet, the societal transition to a more plant-based diet is taking place rather …
meat-free diet. Yet, the societal transition to a more plant-based diet is taking place rather …
[PDF][PDF] Organizations, resistance, and democracy: How civil society organizations impact democratization
When are episodes of resistance likely to lead to democratization? We argue that the
participation of durable organizations rooted in quotidian relationships that are not …
participation of durable organizations rooted in quotidian relationships that are not …
Does protest influence political speech? Evidence from UK climate protest, 2017–2019
How does protest affect political speech? Protest is an important form of political claim-
making, yet our understanding of its influence on how individual legislators communicate …
making, yet our understanding of its influence on how individual legislators communicate …
Friday on my mind: Re-assessing the impact of protest size on government concessions
Do more protesters on the streets make governments likely to grant their demands? Several
studies link protest size and government concessions. Yet existing research has limitations …
studies link protest size and government concessions. Yet existing research has limitations …
State concessions and protest mobilization in authoritarian regimes
Autocrats typically respond with coercion when citizens take to the streets demanding
political reform. Sometimes, however, they tolerate mass protests and even give in to …
political reform. Sometimes, however, they tolerate mass protests and even give in to …
Joining forces: Social coalitions and democratic revolutions
S Dahlum - Journal of Peace Research, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
When are mass protest movements able to overthrow authoritarian regimes and promote
democratic transitions? This article considers whether socially diverse protest movements …
democratic transitions? This article considers whether socially diverse protest movements …
Anticonformists catalyze societal transitions and facilitate the expression of evolving preferences
The world is grappling with emerging, urgent, large-scale problems, such as climate change,
pollution, biodiversity loss, and pandemics, which demand immediate and coordinated …
pollution, biodiversity loss, and pandemics, which demand immediate and coordinated …
[KNIHA][B] How social movements (sometimes) matter
DS Meyer - 2021 - books.google.com
People protest to try to change the world, because they think they can help change the
world, and sometimes they do. But not by themselves, and generally not just how and when …
world, and sometimes they do. But not by themselves, and generally not just how and when …