Investigation of dual-mode microstrip bandpass filter based on SIR technique
In this paper, a new bandpass filter design has been presented using simple topology of
stepped impedance square loop resonator. The proposed bandpass filter has been …
stepped impedance square loop resonator. The proposed bandpass filter has been …
Wide bandpass and narrow bandstop microstrip filters based on Hilbert fractal geometry: design and simulation results
This paper presents new Wide Bandpass Filter (WBPF) and Narrow Bandstop Filter (NBSF)
incorporating two microstrip resonators, each resonator is based on 2nd iteration of Hilbert …
incorporating two microstrip resonators, each resonator is based on 2nd iteration of Hilbert …
Asymmetric response dual-mode dual-band bandstop filters having simple and understandable topology
A novel simple and understandable topology is proposed for dual-mode dual-band
bandstop filters with asymmetric frequency response. Two microstrip square loop resonators …
bandstop filters with asymmetric frequency response. Two microstrip square loop resonators …
Fractal dual-mode open-loop quasi-elliptic bandpass filter with source-load coupling
LY Feng - Wireless Personal Communications, 2018 - Springer
To realize the feature of small size and high selectivity, a microstrip miniature fractal quasi-
elliptic bandpass filter (BPF) with two transmission zeros (TZs) near each skirt is investigated …
elliptic bandpass filter (BPF) with two transmission zeros (TZs) near each skirt is investigated …
Compact and miniaturized bandstop filter developed using slot spurline technique
A compact and miniaturized bandstop filter (BSF) developed based on the slot spurline
technique was designed and characterized. The reflection zero of the BSF was carefully …
technique was designed and characterized. The reflection zero of the BSF was carefully …
[PDF][PDF] Microstrip multi-stopband filter based on tree fractal slotted resonator
This paper presents the design and development of a new microstrip multistopband filter
based on tree fractal slotted resonator. A single square patch with tree fractal slots of …
based on tree fractal slotted resonator. A single square patch with tree fractal slots of …
Stub‐loaded square loop bandpass filter with equiripple response in both delay and magnitude
X **, X Huang, D Chen… - International Journal of RF …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
It is shown that a stub loaded square loop filter, composed of six sections of commensurate
transmission line, can achieve equiripple response in both magnitude and group delay …
transmission line, can achieve equiripple response in both magnitude and group delay …
Dual-mode microstrip bandstop filters using square loop resonators
A new design of dual-mode bandstop filters with four poles employed by single dual-mode
microstrip square loop resonators are proposed. Two fourth order filters with two pairs of …
microstrip square loop resonators are proposed. Two fourth order filters with two pairs of …
A compact dual-mode resonator with square loops and its bandpass filter applications
Y Liu, HX Zheng, LY Feng - Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2013 - jpier.org
In order to realize bandpass filter with Chebyshev and elliptic function responses using a
single resonator only, a dual-mode square resonant structure is proposed. Four small …
single resonator only, a dual-mode square resonant structure is proposed. Four small …
Исследование микрополоскового фильтра на многомодовых резонаторах
БА Белев, СА Ходенков - Известия высших учебных заведений …, 2010 - elibrary.ru
Исследованы оригинальные микрополосковые структуры для создания полосно-
пропускающих фильтров, обладающих высокими частотно-селективными свойствами …
пропускающих фильтров, обладающих высокими частотно-селективными свойствами …