Best practices for implementing recreation demand models
This article discusses best practices for implementing recreation demand models. We focus
on insights that research and experience provide for the typical recreation application …
on insights that research and experience provide for the typical recreation application …
The effects of weather on recreational fishing demand and adaptation: implications for a changing climate
Outdoor recreation is one of the most popular leisure activities in the United States, yet the
potential impacts of climate change on the nonmarket aspects of this activity are largely …
potential impacts of climate change on the nonmarket aspects of this activity are largely …
Externality: Origins and classifications
Externalities are ubiquitous in academic writing'and, by definition, in the life of everyone. As
economist Bryan Caplan explains," positive externalities are benefits that are infeasible to …
economist Bryan Caplan explains," positive externalities are benefits that are infeasible to …
Reimagining infrastructure for a biodiverse future
CB van Rees, DD Hernández-Abrams… - Proceedings of the …, 2023 - pnas.org
Civil infrastructure will be essential to face the interlinked existential threats of climate
change and rising resource demands while ensuring a livable Anthropocene for all …
change and rising resource demands while ensuring a livable Anthropocene for all …
Willingness-to-volunteer and stability of preferences between cities: Estimating the benefits of stormwater management
Urbanization strains existing stormwater systems, yielding high flood rates, degraded urban
aquatic habitat, and low water quality in lakes and rivers. Cities increasingly rely on green …
aquatic habitat, and low water quality in lakes and rivers. Cities increasingly rely on green …
The future of fishing for fun: the economics and sustainable management of recreational fisheries
The management of recreational fisheries has received relatively little research attention
from economists. Nevertheless, recreational fisheries generate substantial economic …
from economists. Nevertheless, recreational fisheries generate substantial economic …
Equity and cost-effectiveness in valuation and action planning to preserve biodiversity
AW Ando - Environmental and Resource Economics, 2022 - Springer
Economic research and frameworks, comprehensively synthesized in “The Economics of
Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review”(Dasgupta 2021), can do much to help stem global …
Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review”(Dasgupta 2021), can do much to help stem global …
Effects of pollution on marine organisms
AJ Mearns, M Bissell, AM Morrison… - Water Environment …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
This review covers selected 2018 articles on the biological effects of pollutants, including
human physical disturbances, on marine and estuarine plants, animals, ecosystems, and …
human physical disturbances, on marine and estuarine plants, animals, ecosystems, and …
[HTML][HTML] Using social media data to estimate recreational travel costs: A case study from California
Understanding the economic value of ecosystem services is necessary to facilitate
sustainable land use management, and to inform policy and decision making. However …
sustainable land use management, and to inform policy and decision making. However …
Who values urban community gardens and how much?
With the rising interest in urban agriculture (UA), community gardens have emerged as a
common instrument in UA policies aimed at addressing issues related to food security …
common instrument in UA policies aimed at addressing issues related to food security …