The tectonic framework of the Sumatran subduction zone
R McCaffrey - Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 2009 - annualreviews.org
The great Aceh-Andaman earthquake of December 26, 2004 and its tragic consequences
brought the Sumatran region and its active tectonics into the world's focus. The plate tectonic …
brought the Sumatran region and its active tectonics into the world's focus. The plate tectonic …
Characterizing the seismogenic zone of a major plate boundary subduction thrust: Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
The Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand, has not experienced any significant (> Mw
7.2) subduction interface earthquakes since historical records began∼ 170 years ago …
7.2) subduction interface earthquakes since historical records began∼ 170 years ago …
Crustal deformation in the India‐Eurasia collision zone from 25 years of GPS measurements
Abstract The India‐Eurasia collision zone is the largest deforming region on the planet;
direct measurements of present‐day deformation from Global Positioning System (GPS) …
direct measurements of present‐day deformation from Global Positioning System (GPS) …
Intense foreshocks and a slow slip event preceded the 2014 Iquique Mw 8.1 earthquake
The subduction zone in northern Chile is a well-identified seismic gap that last ruptured in
1877. The moment magnitude (M w) 8.1 Iquique earthquake of 1 April 2014 broke a highly …
1877. The moment magnitude (M w) 8.1 Iquique earthquake of 1 April 2014 broke a highly …
Uniform California earthquake rupture forecast, version 3 (UCERF3)—The time‐independent model
EH Field, RJ Arrowsmith, GP Biasi… - Bulletin of the …, 2014 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Abstract The 2014 Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities (WGCEP14)
present the time‐independent component of the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture …
present the time‐independent component of the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture …
Slow slip near the trench at the Hikurangi subduction zone, New Zealand
The range of fault slip behaviors near the trench at subduction plate boundaries is critical to
know, as this is where the world's largest, most damaging tsunamis are generated. Our …
know, as this is where the world's largest, most damaging tsunamis are generated. Our …
GPS constraints on continental deformation in the Africa‐Arabia‐Eurasia continental collision zone and implications for the dynamics of plate interactions
The GPS‐derived velocity field (1988–2005) for the zone of interaction of the Arabian,
African (Nubian, Somalian), and Eurasian plates indicates counterclockwise rotation of a …
African (Nubian, Somalian), and Eurasian plates indicates counterclockwise rotation of a …
Present‐day kinematics of the East African Rift
The East African Rift (EAR) is a type locale for investigating the processes that drive
continental rifting and breakup. The current kinematics of this~ 5000 km long divergent plate …
continental rifting and breakup. The current kinematics of this~ 5000 km long divergent plate …
Subduction zone coupling and tectonic block rotations in the North Island, New Zealand
The GPS velocity field in the North Island of New Zealand is dominated by the long‐term
tectonic rotation of the eastern North Island and elastic strain from stress buildup on the …
tectonic rotation of the eastern North Island and elastic strain from stress buildup on the …
Interseismic coupling, megathrust earthquakes and seismic swarms along the Chilean subduction zone (38–18 S)
The recent expansion of dense GPS networks over plate boundaries allows for remarkably
precise map** of interseismic coupling along active faults. The interseismic coupling …
precise map** of interseismic coupling along active faults. The interseismic coupling …