[HTML][HTML] ASP and subset minimality: Enumeration, cautious reasoning and MUSes
Abstract Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a well-known logic-based formalism that has
been used to model and solve a variety of AI problems. For several years, ASP …
been used to model and solve a variety of AI problems. For several years, ASP …
[HTML][HTML] Abstraction for non-ground answer set programs
Abstraction is an important technique utilized by humans in model building and problem
solving, in order to figure out key elements and relevant details of a world of interest. This …
solving, in order to figure out key elements and relevant details of a world of interest. This …
Omission-based abstraction for answer set programs
Abstraction is a well-known approach to simplify a complex problem by over-approximating
it with a deliberate loss of information. It was not considered so far in Answer Set …
it with a deliberate loss of information. It was not considered so far in Answer Set …
Unsatisfiable core analysis and aggregates for optimum stable model search
Many efficient algorithms for the computation of optimum stable models in the context of
Answer Set Programming (ASP) are based on unsatisfiable core analysis. Among them …
Answer Set Programming (ASP) are based on unsatisfiable core analysis. Among them …
Inconsistent cores for ASP: the perks and perils of non-monotonicity
Abstract Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a prominent modeling and solving framework.
An inconsistent core (IC) of an ASP program is an inconsistent subset of rules. In the case of …
An inconsistent core (IC) of an ASP program is an inconsistent subset of rules. In the case of …
Argumentation reasoning via circumscription with Pyglaf
M Alviano - Fundamenta Informaticae, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
The fundamental mechanism that humans use in argumentation can be formalized in
abstract argumentation frameworks. Many semantics are associated with abstract …
abstract argumentation frameworks. Many semantics are associated with abstract …
[PDF][PDF] Query Answering in Propositional Circumscription.
M Alviano - IJCAI, 2018 - ijcai.org
Propositional circumscription defines a preference relation over the models of a
propositional theory, so that models being subset-minimal on the interpretation of a set of …
propositional theory, so that models being subset-minimal on the interpretation of a set of …
Enhancing magic sets with an application to ontological reasoning
Magic sets are a Datalog to Datalog rewriting technique to optimize query answering. The
rewritten program focuses on a portion of the stable model (s) of the input program which is …
rewritten program focuses on a portion of the stable model (s) of the input program which is …
Model enumeration via assumption literals
Modern, efficient Answer Set Programming solvers implement answer set search via non-
chronological backtracking algorithms. The extension of these algorithms to answer set …
chronological backtracking algorithms. The extension of these algorithms to answer set …
[PDF][PDF] Minipref: A tool for preferences in SAT
SAT solvers are used in a wide variety of applications, including hardware and software
verification, planning and combinatorial design. Given a propositional formula, standard SAT …
verification, planning and combinatorial design. Given a propositional formula, standard SAT …