Recent advancements in characterizing permeability and porosity distributions in bioturbated flow media

GM Baniak, AD La Croix, MK Gingras - Earth-Science Reviews, 2022 - Elsevier
Over the past couple decades, the understanding of petrophysical parameters in bioturbated
hydrocarbon reservoirs and aquifers has expanded greatly. Specifically, insights into how …

[HTML][HTML] Eocene to middle Miocene contourite deposits in Cyprus: A record of Indian Gateway evolution

FJ Hernández-Molina, H Hüneke… - Global and Planetary …, 2022 - Elsevier
Bottom current deposits (contourites) form in association with modern-day or ancient
oceanic gateways. A paucity of examples in the ancient record and the lack of consensus on …

X-ray microtomography analysis to approach bioturbation's influence on minor-scale porosity distribution: A novel approach in contourite deposits

O Miguez-Salas, J Dorador, FJ Rodríguez-Tovar… - Journal of Petroleum …, 2022 - Elsevier
Micro-CT analysis is employed for the first time to evaluate the effects of bioturbation on
porosity distribution in contourite facies, namely: i) sandy clastic contourites from the Late …

[HTML][HTML] Evolution of a fluvial-dominated delta during the Oligocene of the Colombian Caribbean: Sedimentological and ichnological signatures in well-cores

SA Celis, FJ Rodríguez-Tovar… - Journal of South …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract Basin analysis from Colombian Caribbean is particularly important given the
interest in finding hydrocarbon reservoirs, but their complex geological evolution, and the …

Evaluating cementation factor for bioturbated sandstones, Bhuj Formation, Kachchh Basin, India: a novel approach using triple-porosity model

A Singh, J Dcunha, BG Desai - Journal of Petroleum Exploration and …, 2022 - Springer
Cementation factor has a crucial role in evaluating volumetric reserves for heterogeneous
clastic reservoir. Bioturbation is a prominent source of heterogeneity existing in hydrocarbon …

Trace Fossils Of The Selorejo Formation, Rembang Zone, North East Java Basin, Indonesia

SU Choiriah, Y Rizkianto, A Subandrio… - Journal of …, 2023 -
Abstract The Rembang Zone of the North East Java Basin is a zone that develops as a
petroleum system and is one of the areas with Indonesia's largest oil reserves. One of the …

Ichnofabric analysis as a tool for characterization and differentiation between calcareous contourites and calciturbidites

O Miguez-Salas… - Journal of …, 2021 -
ABSTRACT The Eocene–Miocene Cyprus paleoslope system records complex deep-marine
sedimentation comprising background vertical settling of autochthonous pelagic …

The puzzling influence of Ophiomorpha (trace fossil) on reservoir porosity: X-ray microtomography analysis

O Miguez-Salas, J Cabrera Ortiz, J Dorador… - Frontiers in Earth …, 2022 -
Bioturbation can influence petrophysical properties (eg, porosity, permeability) of
sedimentary rocks and, in consequence, reservoir quality. The impact can be positive …

Multi-technique comparison to assess the effect of bioturbation on porosity: a study case for reservoir quality in contourites

O Miguez-Salas, J Dorador, FJ Rodríguez-Tovar - Facies, 2022 - Springer
In recent decades, contourites—as sediments deposited or reworked by bottom currents—
have begun to be considered important targets for deep-sea petroleum exploration and …

[HTML][HTML] 生物扰动油气水储层的研究现状及展望

牛永斌, 荆楚涵, 邵威猛, 程怡高, **志远 - 沉积学报, 2023 -
目的在油气水储层中, 生物扰动通过改变原生沉积组构降低或提高地层的孔隙度和渗透率,
进而影响储层物性和流体流动特征. 方法为了调研生物扰动储层的研究现状及进展 …