[HTML][HTML] Cadmium pollution in the tourism environment: A literature review
AV Mikhailenko, DA Ruban, VA Ermolaev… - Geosciences, 2020 - mdpi.com
Cadmium is a highly-toxic metal, and, its environmental occurrence and human exposure
consequently deserve close attention. The insight into the relationships between cadmium …
consequently deserve close attention. The insight into the relationships between cadmium …
Evolution and current applications of robot-assisted fracture reduction: a comprehensive review
Robots in orthopedic surgery have been developed rapidly for decades and bring significant
benefits to the patients and healthcare providers. However, robotics in fracture reduction …
benefits to the patients and healthcare providers. However, robotics in fracture reduction …
Empowering MSMEs: The Role of Mosques in Community Economic Development
I Rarasati, U Priyadi - Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business, 2024 - shirkah.or.id
Zakat is a fundamental component of the Islamic faith that holds immense significance not
only for individual Muslims but also for the broader Muslim community and society at large. It …
only for individual Muslims but also for the broader Muslim community and society at large. It …
Análisis bibliométrico sobre la producción científica de revistas odontológicas peruanas
CRA Canchari, KM Huamán-Castillon… - Revista Cubana de …, 2021 - revibiomedica.sld.cu
Introducción: La producción de conocimientos y la necesidad de su divulgación es de suma
importancia para asegurar la eficacia y la calidad de la atención odontológica. Objetivo …
importancia para asegurar la eficacia y la calidad de la atención odontológica. Objetivo …
Comparison of scientometric achievements at PhD and scientific output ten years later for 4,790 academic researchers
Introduction PhD is the highest awarded degree offered by universities in different
disciplines. Owners of a PhD can teach at universities, start independent research and …
disciplines. Owners of a PhD can teach at universities, start independent research and …
An Exploration of How Teacher Leaders Perceive Their Influence on Student Learning: A Transcendental Phenomenology of the Experiences of Teacher Leaders
AA Crum - 2024 - digitalcommons.liberty.edu
The purpose of this transcendental phenomenology was to describe how teacher leaders
perceive their influence on student learning at the primary and secondary levels at a K-12 …
perceive their influence on student learning at the primary and secondary levels at a K-12 …
The role of education system in preparing youth for agricultural career decisions and aspirations: Exploring ways to attract more youth to engage in agriculture and …
AH Shayo - 2020 - vtechworks.lib.vt.edu
Youth intention to pursue a career in agriculture and entrepreneurship is influenced by the
knowledge they acquire through formal, informal, and nonformal settings. Changing youth …
knowledge they acquire through formal, informal, and nonformal settings. Changing youth …
El estudio de los líderes en las políticas exteriores de África: notas metodológicas y evidencia empírica
EA Carreño - Astrolabio. Nueva Época, 2024 - SciELO Argentina
El objetivo de este artículo es evaluar la importancia de los líderes africanos en la política
exterior de sus países. A partir de una revisión comprehensiva de literatura especializada …
exterior de sus países. A partir de una revisión comprehensiva de literatura especializada …
[KNJIGA][B] Factors Contributing to Latino Males' Successful Experience in Higher Education Leadership: A Qualitative Narrative Inquiry
S Bueno Jr - 2022 - search.proquest.com
This qualitative narrative inquiry research study was to examine and understand Latino
males' experiences, stories, and motivating factors that contributed successfully attaining …
males' experiences, stories, and motivating factors that contributed successfully attaining …
[KNJIGA][B] Recommendations to Improve the Practice of Incorporating Emotional Intelligence Instructional Strategies Within the Marine Corps University Professional …
S Kirkland - 2023 - search.proquest.com
The purpose of this study was to provide recommendations to improve the practice of
incorporating emotional intelligence instructional strategies at Marine Corps University …
incorporating emotional intelligence instructional strategies at Marine Corps University …