[HTML][HTML] Secular change and the onset of plate tectonics on Earth
The Earth as a planetary system has experienced significant change since its formation c.
4.54 Gyr ago. Some of these changes have been gradual, such as secular cooling of the …
4.54 Gyr ago. Some of these changes have been gradual, such as secular cooling of the …
Archaean tectonic systems: A view from igneous rocks
This work examines the global distribution of Archaean and modern igneous rock's
compositions, without relying on preconceptions about the link between rock compositions …
compositions, without relying on preconceptions about the link between rock compositions …
Geological archive of the onset of plate tectonics
Plate tectonics, involving a globally linked system of lateral motion of rigid surface plates, is
a characteristic feature of our planet, but estimates of how long it has been the modus …
a characteristic feature of our planet, but estimates of how long it has been the modus …
Metamorphism and the evolution of plate tectonics
Earth's mantle convection, which facilitates planetary heat loss, is manifested at the surface
as present-day plate tectonics. When plate tectonics emerged and how it has evolved …
as present-day plate tectonics. When plate tectonics emerged and how it has evolved …
Origin, accretion, and reworking of continents
R Zhu, G Zhao, W ** of mineral phases by electron probe micro-analyser
Compositional map** has greatly impacted mineralogical and petrological studies over
the past half-century with increasing use of the electron probe micro-analyser. Many …
the past half-century with increasing use of the electron probe micro-analyser. Many …
Record of modern-style plate tectonics in the Palaeoproterozoic Trans-Hudson orogen
OM Weller, MR St-Onge - Nature Geoscience, 2017 - nature.com
Abstract The Trans-Hudson orogen of North America is a circa 1,800 million year old, middle
Palaeoproterozoic continental collisional belt. The orogen may represent an ancient …
Palaeoproterozoic continental collisional belt. The orogen may represent an ancient …