[PDF][PDF] Portfolio selection problem considering behavioral stocks

KH Chang, MN Young, MI Hildawa… - Proceedings of the …, 2015 - researchgate.net
Modern portfolio theory pioneered by Markowitz assumed that the market is efficient and
investors are rational and homogeneous, however investors may have different perception …

Reduction of the bilevel stochastic optimization problem with quantile objective function to a mixed‐integer problem

S Dempe, S Ivanov, A Naumov - Applied Stochastic Models in …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
The paper is devoted to the stochastic optimistic bilevel optimization problem with quantile
criterion in the upper level problem. If the probability distribution is finite, the problem can be …

[SÁCH][B] Stochastic correlation and portfolio optimization by multivariate Garch

C Luo - 2016 - search.proquest.com
Modeling time varying volatility and correlation in financial time series is an important
element in derivative pricing, risk management and portfolio management. The main goal of …

Reducing Two-Stage Probabilistic Optimization Problems with Discrete Distribution of Random Data to Mixed-Integer Programming Problems*

VI Norkin, AI Kibzun, AV Naumov - Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 2014 - Springer
We consider two-stage stochastic programming models with quantile criterion as well as
models with a probabilistic constraint on the random values of the objective function of the …

Comparison of two algorithms for solving a two‐stage bilinear stochastic programming problem with quantile criterion

A Kibzun - Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
The paper is devoted to solving the two‐stage problem of stochastic programming with
quantile criterion. It is assumed that the loss function is bilinear in random parameters and …

[PDF][PDF] On mixed integer reformulations of monotonic probabilistic programming problems with discrete distributions

V Norkin - Preprint, 2010 - optimization-online.org
The paper studies large scale mixed integer reformulation approach to stochastic
programming problems containing probability and quantile functions, under assumption of …

Portfolio resha** under 1st-order stochastic dominance constraints by the exact penalty function methods

V Norkin, A Pichler - Optimization, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
The paper studies a financial portfolio selection problem under 1st-order stochastic
dominance constraints. These constraints constitute lower bounds on the return profile of the …

[PDF][PDF] The optimal portfolios based on a modified safety-first rule with risk-free saving

Y Ding, Z Lu - Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization, 2016 - researchgate.net
How to manage the social security trust funds is a topic of wide interests both academically
and professionally. In the setting of portfolio selection with social security funds investment …

B&B solution technique for multicriteria stochastic optimization problems

VI Norkin - Optimization Methods and Applications: In Honor of …, 2017 - Springer
The paper extends stochastic branch and bound (SB&B) method, primarily developed for
solving stochastic global and integer stochastic programming problems, to stochastic …

Mutual Fund Allocations that Maximize Safe Portfolio Returns

M Prendergast - 2022 - osf.io
This paper describes an empirical analysis of optimized portfolios and safe return rates
across multiple investment time horizons using Telser's Safety-First method. The analysis …