Expert finding in community question answering: a review

S Yuan, Y Zhang, J Tang, W Hall, JB Cabotà - Artificial Intelligence Review, 2020 - Springer
The rapid development of Community Question Answering (CQA) satisfies users' quest for
professional and personal knowledge about anything. In CQA, one central issue is to find …

Collusive spam detection from Chinese community question answering sites: A collective classification framework

L Zhang, M Xu, Z Bu, G He, H Zhu, C Fang - Information Sciences, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract With Community Question Answering (CQA) sites evolving into quite popular
knowledge-sharing platforms on the Internet, they have also become ideal places for various …

[PDF][PDF] Pay Me and I'll Follow You: Detection of Crowdturfing Following Activities in Microblog Environment.

Y Liu, Y Liu, M Zhang, S Ma - IJCAI, 2016 -
A number of existing works have focused on the problem of malicious following activity
detection in microblog services. However, most of them make the assumption that the …

Detecting Crowdturfing" Add to Favorites" Activities in Online Shop**

N Su, Y Liu, Z Li, Y Liu, M Zhang, S Ma - … of the 2018 world wide web …, 2018 -
" Add to Favorites" is a popular function in online shop** sites which helps users to make
a record of potentially interesting items for future purchases. It is usually regarded as a type …

Enhancing content marketing article detection with graph analysis

X Liang, C Wang, G Zhao - IEEE Access, 2019 -
Recently, more and more people have the preference for obtaining the latest news and
posting their views relying on social media. In this way, some opinion leaders would …

Recommending inferior results: A general and feature-free model for spam detection

Y Liu - Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference …, 2020 -
Spam activities on multifarious online platforms, such as the opinion spam and fake
following relationships have been extensively studied for years. Existing works separately …

[HTML][HTML] A study on influential features for predicting best answers in community question-answering forums

V Zoratto, D Godoy, GN Aranda - Information, 2023 -
The knowledge provided by user communities in question-answering (QA) forums is a highly
valuable source of information for satisfying user information needs. However, finding the …

[HTML][HTML] Spam classification based on signed network analysis

S Jeong, K Lee - Applied Sciences, 2020 -
Online social networking services have become the most important information-sharing
medium of modern society due to several merits, such as creating opportunities to broaden …

[PDF][PDF] Quality Matters: Assessing cQA Pair Quality via Transductive Multi-View Learning.

X Wei, H Huang, L Nie, F Feng, R Hong, TS Chua - IJCAI, 2018 -
Community-based question answering (cQA) sites have become important knowledge
sharing platforms, as massive cQA pairs are archived, but the uneven quality of cQA pairs …

Finding collusive spam in community question answering platforms: A pattern and burstiness based method

M Xu, L Zhang, H Zhu - … on Advanced Cloud and Big Data …, 2022 -
Community question answering (CQA) websites have become very popular platforms
attracting numerous participants to share and acquire knowledge and information in Internet …