[PDF][PDF] GAL4 system in drosophila: A fly geneticist's swiss army knife
JB Duffy - genesis, 2002 - fenix.ciencias.ulisboa.pt
The last decade has seen an enormous expansion in the genetic toolbox of model
organisms. This has been particularly apparent in the fruitfly, Drosophila melanogaster, in …
organisms. This has been particularly apparent in the fruitfly, Drosophila melanogaster, in …
Genetic dissection of neural circuits
Understanding the principles of information processing in neural circuits requires systematic
characterization of the participating cell types and their connections, and the ability to …
characterization of the participating cell types and their connections, and the ability to …
Hippo signaling instructs ectopic but not normal organ growth
The Hippo signaling pathway is widely considered a master regulator of organ growth
because of the prominent overgrowth phenotypes caused by experimental manipulation of …
because of the prominent overgrowth phenotypes caused by experimental manipulation of …
A neural circuit architecture for angular integration in Drosophila
Many animals keep track of their angular heading over time while navigating through their
environment. However, a neural-circuit architecture for computing heading has not been …
environment. However, a neural-circuit architecture for computing heading has not been …
A gene-specific T2A-GAL4 library for Drosophila
We generated a library of~ 1000 Drosophila stocks in which we inserted a construct in the
intron of genes allowing expression of GAL4 under control of endogenous promoters while …
intron of genes allowing expression of GAL4 under control of endogenous promoters while …
[HTML][HTML] The Q system: a repressible binary system for transgene expression, lineage tracing, and mosaic analysis
We describe a new repressible binary expression system based on the regulatory genes
from the Neurospora qa gene cluster. This" Q system" offers attractive features for transgene …
from the Neurospora qa gene cluster. This" Q system" offers attractive features for transgene …
Molecular, anatomical, and functional organization of the Drosophila olfactory system
Summary Background: Olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) convey chemical information into
the brain, producing internal representations of odors detected in the periphery. A …
the brain, producing internal representations of odors detected in the periphery. A …
[HTML][HTML] Genetic manipulation of genes and cells in the nervous system of the fruit fly
Research in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has led to insights in neural development,
axon guidance, ion channel function, synaptic transmission, learning and memory, diurnal …
axon guidance, ion channel function, synaptic transmission, learning and memory, diurnal …
The VT GAL4, LexA, and split-GAL4 driver line collections for targeted expression in the Drosophila nervous system
L Tirian, BJ Dickson - BioRxiv, 2017 - biorxiv.org
In studying the cellular interactions within complex tissues, it is extremely valuable to be able
to reproducibly and flexibly target transgene expression to restricted subsets of cells. This …
to reproducibly and flexibly target transgene expression to restricted subsets of cells. This …
The sex of organ geometry
Organs have a distinctive yet often overlooked spatial arrangement in the body,,,–. We
propose that there is a logic to the shape of an organ and its proximity to its neighbours …
propose that there is a logic to the shape of an organ and its proximity to its neighbours …