Dragapart: Learning a part-level motion prior for articulated objects
We introduce DragAPart, a method that, given an image and a set of drags as input,
generates a new image of the same object that responds to the action of the drags …
generates a new image of the same object that responds to the action of the drags …
Cascade-zero123: One image to highly consistent 3d with self-prompted nearby views
Synthesizing multi-view 3D from one single image is a significant but challenging task. Zero-
1-to-3 methods have achieved great success by lifting a 2D latent diffusion model to the 3D …
1-to-3 methods have achieved great success by lifting a 2D latent diffusion model to the 3D …
Animal avatars: Reconstructing animatable 3D animals from casual videos
We present a method to build animatable dog avatars from monocular videos. This is
challenging as animals display a range of (unpredictable) non-rigid movements and have a …
challenging as animals display a range of (unpredictable) non-rigid movements and have a …
Recent Trends in 3D Reconstruction of General Non‐Rigid Scenes
Reconstructing models of the real world, including 3D geometry, appearance, and motion of
real scenes, is essential for computer graphics and computer vision. It enables the …
real scenes, is essential for computer graphics and computer vision. It enables the …
Intertrack: Tracking human object interaction without object templates
Tracking human object interaction from videos is important to understand human behavior
from the rapidly growing stream of video data. Previous video-based methods require …
from the rapidly growing stream of video data. Previous video-based methods require …
AWOL: Analysis WithOut Synthesis Using Language
Many classical parametric 3D shape models exist, but creating novel shapes with such
models requires expert knowledge of their parameters. For example, imagine creating a …
models requires expert knowledge of their parameters. For example, imagine creating a …
Puppet-master: Scaling interactive video generation as a motion prior for part-level dynamics
We present Puppet-Master, an interactive video generative model that can serve as a motion
prior for part-level dynamics. At test time, given a single image and a sparse set of motion …
prior for part-level dynamics. At test time, given a single image and a sparse set of motion …
Dessie: Disentanglement for Articulated 3D Horse Shape and Pose Estimation from Images
In recent years, 3D parametric animal models have been developed to aid in estimating 3D
shape and pose from images and video. While progress has been made for humans, it's …
shape and pose from images and video. While progress has been made for humans, it's …
DreamBeast: Distilling 3D Fantastical Animals with Part-Aware Knowledge Transfer
We present DreamBeast, a novel method based on score distillation sampling (SDS) for
generating fantastical 3D animal assets composed of distinct parts. Existing SDS methods …
generating fantastical 3D animal assets composed of distinct parts. Existing SDS methods …
Survey on Modeling of Articulated Objects
3D modeling of articulated objects is a research problem within computer vision, graphics,
and robotics. Its objective is to understand the shape and motion of the articulated …
and robotics. Its objective is to understand the shape and motion of the articulated …