[HTML][HTML] Microalgae-based biodiesel production and its challenges and future opportunities: A review
The rapid depletion of fossil fuel reserves and rising greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions
have necessitated research into low-cost renewable energy sources, with a focus on algal …
have necessitated research into low-cost renewable energy sources, with a focus on algal …
[HTML][HTML] Desarrollo y caracterización de un consorcio de cianobacterias aislado de suelo rizosférico de Carica papaya
En la actualidad los avances biotecnológicos demuestran el potencial de las cianobacterias
en diversas áreas, convirtiéndose así en un grupo de alto valor económico. El presente …
en diversas áreas, convirtiéndose así en un grupo de alto valor económico. El presente …
[PDF][PDF] Green Technologies and Sustainability
K Gaurav, K Neeti, R Singh - environments - researchgate.net
The rapid depletion of fossil fuel reserves and rising greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions
have necessitated research into low-cost renewable energy sources, with a focus on algal …
have necessitated research into low-cost renewable energy sources, with a focus on algal …