[HTML][HTML] Microalgae-based biodiesel production and its challenges and future opportunities: A review

K Gaurav, K Neeti, R Singh - Green Technologies and Sustainability, 2024 - Elsevier
The rapid depletion of fossil fuel reserves and rising greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions
have necessitated research into low-cost renewable energy sources, with a focus on algal …

[HTML][HTML] Desarrollo y caracterización de un consorcio de cianobacterias aislado de suelo rizosférico de Carica papaya

Y Ortega-Díaz, L Gómez-Luna, Y Silveira-Font - Tecnología Química, 2023 - scielo.sld.cu
En la actualidad los avances biotecnológicos demuestran el potencial de las cianobacterias
en diversas áreas, convirtiéndose así en un grupo de alto valor económico. El presente …

[PDF][PDF] Green Technologies and Sustainability

K Gaurav, K Neeti, R Singh - environments - researchgate.net
The rapid depletion of fossil fuel reserves and rising greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions
have necessitated research into low-cost renewable energy sources, with a focus on algal …