Benthic macroinvertebrates as bioindicators to detect the level of water pollution in the upstream segment of Brantas River Watershed in Malang, East Java, Indonesia
AMS HERTIKA, SRI SUDARYANTI, M MUSA… - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2024 - smujo.id
Hertika AMS, Sudaryanti S, Musa M, Amron K, Putra RBDS, Alfarisi MA, Hidayat MR, Pertiwi
M, Halimah MF. 2024. Benthic macroinvertebrates as bioindicators to detect the level of …
M, Halimah MF. 2024. Benthic macroinvertebrates as bioindicators to detect the level of …
Diversity and composition of butterflies in three habitats around Rayow Waterfall, Minahasa District, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Koneri R, Nangoy MJ, Maabuat PV, Saroyo, Wakhid. 2022. Diversity and composition of
butterflies in three habitats around Rayow Waterfall, Minahasa District, North Sulawesi …
butterflies in three habitats around Rayow Waterfall, Minahasa District, North Sulawesi …
[PDF][PDF] Environmental DNA Biomonitoring in Urban River Ecosystem: A Ciliwung River Case Study.
Abstract The Ciliwung River in Jakarta urban areas has been degraded, emphasizing the
importance of eDNA technology in producing additional biodiversity data. This study aims to …
importance of eDNA technology in producing additional biodiversity data. This study aims to …
Butterfly species in Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Koneri R, Nangoy MJ, Maabuat PV, Wakhid. 2023. Butterfly species in Bogani Nani
Wartabone National Park, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 24: 1242-1251 …
Wartabone National Park, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 24: 1242-1251 …
Performance of environmental DNA metabarcoding to identify and quantify benthic organisms in river ecosystems
Our lack of fundamental knowledge about species occurrence, abundance, distribution,
threats, and habitat requirements makes it challenging to conserve biodiversity in the face of …
threats, and habitat requirements makes it challenging to conserve biodiversity in the face of …
[HTML][HTML] Sugarcane bagasse adsorption evaluation and application on BOD and COD removal from textile wastewater treatment
Pesticides are widely used in homes, industries and agricultural sector, and can travel
through water and the air to pollute places far from their point source. Pesticides can find …
through water and the air to pollute places far from their point source. Pesticides can find …
Microplastic Risk Assessment in River Sediments along the Cascading Dam System (Case Study: Midstream of the Citarum River, Indonesia)
Several studies have shown an elevated amount of microplastics around dammed areas,
indicating that the presence of in-stream barriers in riverine ecosystems could influence the …
indicating that the presence of in-stream barriers in riverine ecosystems could influence the …
Benthic macroinvertebrates functional feeding group community distribution in rivers connected to reservoirs in the midstream of Citarum River, West Java, Indonesia
Ilmi F, Muntalif BS, Chazanah N, Sari NE, Bagaskara SW. 2023. Benthic macroinvertebrates
functional feeding group community distribution in rivers connected to reservoirs in the …
functional feeding group community distribution in rivers connected to reservoirs in the …
Odonata diversity in the Laine Waterfall Area, Sangihe Islands, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
In the ecosystem, Odonata functions as a biological control agent and an indicator of the
freshwater environment. Therefore, this research aims to analyze Odonata diversity in the …
freshwater environment. Therefore, this research aims to analyze Odonata diversity in the …
Characterization of bird, reptile, and insect community diversity in constructed wetlands and waste stabilization ponds across Tanzania
Wastewater treatment systems, such as Constructed Wetlands (CWs) and Waste
Stabilization Ponds (WSPs), have untapped biodiversity enhancement and development …
Stabilization Ponds (WSPs), have untapped biodiversity enhancement and development …